The past few days have been incredibly gray and gloomy. Southern rain is so different from the Washington rain I am used to in that it looks like it should be 40 some degrees outside but really it's still 90. The windows fog up with condensation, the bugs take shelter in your cupboards, and every part of your body feels sticky. Every night there is a spectacular thunderstorm producing some of the boldest bolts of lightening I have ever seen.
This weather has been making me incredibly nostalgic and extremely homesick. While I do enjoy being able to recall feelings and memories from my past more vividly than usual, the fact that I may never again see people that once meant so much to me is haunting. I love my life right now but at the same time ache for the past. Does this make me a horrible person?
I'm with ya babe....I live in SW FL, it's been raining every day/night and my windows are fogggggie groggy toooo:( I'm heading to my hometown in NY this coming week...wanna come...hurricane season sucks!!!! ahhhhh...
Gorgeous pic though:)
btw...I get home sick all the time!
I have never read truer words for me at this moment. I loved visiting FL, but saying goodbye again, broke my heart. I knew this time I wouldn't be seeing over ninety nine percent of these people again! I miss them so much my stomach aches.
As much as I love my life with Aidyn a big part of me greives for my old life!
missing & remembering things from your past will never ever make you a horrible person. promise.
i've only moved once in my life (at 15, during high school = drama) and it was all sorts of awful. there are still moments of that lifetime that you ache for, and may always ache for.
but you know, those are the things that make life so beautiful, right? and the great thing about memories? is that you always get to have them. and you can share them too.
here's hoping your weather clears up and you see some sunny skies. (and yes, summer storms in the south are the worst. humidity galore!)
no that does not make you a horrible person, it makes you a REAL person.
I hope the weather clears for you. We are sunny & 90 degrees here. I might could use a little rain.
lame sauce about the rain. and the bugs. gross.
but, um...SUPER cute photo of h :)
I totally understand how you feel on all counts--leaving home and southern rain! I grew up in VA and it is strange to think how GA is really home for me after living here for 7 years. But I often find myself reminiscing about life back in VA.
I love the picture you posted with this, too--such a great shot of the rain and your precious baby!
Babies on the Brain
Oh, my. What a beautiful view you have! Not crammed with parking cars/bikes.
K, off topic.. I love the rain, I so wish I had a rooftop-window again... but atm it´s sticky hot, too, not so nice for sleep.
Cute pic of your littel H :-)
Hope these chairs are available in Germany, too, and will suggest to Bro!
Ummmm... dumb me! What are the "chairs" called like?
Great picture, but I am sorry you are sad about missing your old life :-(
I know, right?! Every time its rainy and icky outside, I assume that when I open the door, there will be a cool breeze and I'll need my scarf.
But then.. instead, I open up the door, and step into a swamp.
Vic: NY sounds great! Sign me up :) Have fun with your family!
Brittany: yes! you perfectly describe how i am feeling. have you also found that goodbyes are even harder to say when you have a baby? i know that stomach ache feeling all too well these days...
becca: you are so right. a lot of those memories i wouldn't trade for anything. oh, what i'd give to go back though! also this humidity = yuk!
nicole: thank you, thank you, thank you...
Together We Save: 90 and no rain? the poor plants! i will try to send some of ours your way!
melissa d: thanks! yeah, another good thing about WA is the size of their bugs. Reasonable!
Iris: we love that seat you should tell your bro about them. they are called bumbos and you can find them online as well as in targets or similar stores...
melissa: GA is our home too! we have no doubt been experiencing the same, dreadful weather...thanks for the picture compliment!
Shelley: thanks! you all make me feel much better :)
It was like that here in Wisconsin for the entire month of June. Definitely not fun.
krysten: A whole month of weather like this? uh, no thanks! hope july is sunnier!
My goodness, I hear you about the rain. Seattle has been quite rainy lately. Boo!! Makes it hard to get the babe outside to play.
And you are not a horrible person!! It's alright to reminisce in the past! Memories are a good thing. As long as we don't ignore the blessings we're given in the NOW. Ya know?
where in ga do you live?
on cloth diapering: a. you can totally buy used, just sanatize! it is like half the cost. b. that website i mentioned a bunch has amazing deals, like free diapers when you spend only $20 and they give you the opportunity to break up your order a few times to get more than one!
Shoot--I forgot to subscribe to follow up comments so I have to comment again.
Hush now. You are the most fantastic and loving mother. You're not saying "I wish I didn't have my family" you're saying "I have a good life now and I had a good life then." You're being grateful for what you have and had.
Also, you painted the most beautiful word picture with this post. An I love this picture so much that I might just need to re blog it. What?! Yeah, I'm basically a thief. I steal other people's hard earned talent and get comments saying I "have a great eye" BS. I steal.
love you guys.
hey mandy! whoa, have i already mentioned to you that my husband and i are from Washington as well? he grew up in gig harbor/tacoma and i lived on whidbey island. crazy! i loved your comment, everything you have said is just so true. thanks for the reminder and the smile!
hey melissa! thanks for the info on cloth diapering! i am totally going to check that site out and try harder to make this work. i'll e-mail you about our city, i've been trying not to give out too much personal information on my site lately. you know, with all the creeps out there and all :)
paige!!! i would be honored if you "stole" my photo :) the great and talented paige likes a photo i took! EXCITING! thanks for the kind comment, you totally get it. i love this chapter in my life but also wish i could go back and maybe rewrite a few older ones and re-read them as well. does that make any sense?
Makes perfect sense. I think we all have that...we just have to be careful how we say it ans who we say it to. There are certain moments in my life that are just golden and I love them so much that whatever song reminds me of them (for some reason there always is one...?) I will only allow myself to listen to on special occasions to preserve the memory. But isn't it always the best feeling when you can look down, right at where you are and think "this is a golden moment. I'm going to miss and preserve this."
PS-I'M NOT EVEN TALENTED! Hahaha, I only steal.
I love how artsy this picture looks!
It rained nearly all of June here in Wisconsin (like Krysten said) but thankfully we've had several dry days in a row now. I totally want a redo for June though!
I looked at that photo and thought, "Hmmm. Looks cold." But, that's how it is in the NW. I'm sure you know...
By the way: I'm actually thinking I need to get a PO box. I realized that I don't really want to be giving my address out. Hmmm... Thinking about it.
mason's mom: wishing you tons of sunshine this month! that really stinks!
chelsey: i've been considering getting a po box too. you just never know who's creepin on your page and when you have a baby it's a pretty scary thought!
This photo is so wonderful!!! *squee*
It is strange how rain does this. Rain always makes me very homesick for my home town and my youth. I think because when I was younger and actually had a lot of time for myself I could stay inside and curl up with a book and a cup of coffee or hot tea and not feel guilty for just being lazy and serene for a day.
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