My name is Allie and this is my new, tiny family. It's a Wonderful Life is a collection of stories and thoughts from our life together.
I like: Tea, playing music with G, teaching, rain and foggy days, Henry Darger, getting lost, fishing, sewing, Murakami and Steinbeck, the woods, preschoolers, collecting vinyl, cheap wine and whiskey sours, driving, kissing my baby's nose, and awkward situations.
We'll call my husband G. He likes: kicking butt and taking names, red vines, playing music, tattoos, sandwiches, family, new experiences, pitchfork.com, Cops, Delillo and Alexie, painting, collecting books, snuggling with Henry, Bunz the cat, The Stranger, and Mountain Dew.
I like: Tea, playing music with G, teaching, rain and foggy days, Henry Darger, getting lost, fishing, sewing, Murakami and Steinbeck, the woods, preschoolers, collecting vinyl, cheap wine and whiskey sours, driving, kissing my baby's nose, and awkward situations.
We'll call my husband G. He likes: kicking butt and taking names, red vines, playing music, tattoos, sandwiches, family, new experiences, pitchfork.com, Cops, Delillo and Alexie, painting, collecting books, snuggling with Henry, Bunz the cat, The Stranger, and Mountain Dew.

Henry was born on January 19th, 2010 via emergency c-section (you can read his scary birth story here).
H likes: booby milk, warm fuzzy sleepers, being in his sling, farting, reading bright colored books, listening to G play songs for him, keeping his hands by his face, songs with fast synth parts and chick vocals, Taylor Swift, and making us freak over his complete cuteness.
This is Bunz Olsen (B):
B likes: Loving G and hating me, scaring company, watching the squirrels outside, eating houseplants, sleeping in H's crib until she gets caught, raspberry sorbet, pickles, showers, watching H, and having her belly rubbed.
Lisa · 682 weeks ago
Lisa Duggan, Publisher
TheParentduJour.com & TheMotherHoodBlog.com
travelbarefoot 1p · 668 weeks ago
Cristina Farrah · 573 weeks ago
Found you via Top Baby Blogs :) I wanted to invite you to our community.
There is a new baby monitor product Monbaby launched on Kickstarter, here is the link https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/736148659/sm...
Would be happy to hear some feedback and support on our campaign.
Many thanks!