The last time we left Henry with someone was a freaking disaster. He literally screamed for three hours straight because he had only ever been with either me or Garrison since the day he was born (we didn't leave him until he was
five months old! note: parent fail).
But anyway, last week I had completely reached my breaking point with Henry. I was sick of not sleeping and tired of being around my child almost 24/7. I mean, WOW. Had it seriously been four whole months since I had spent longer than two hours away from him? I was an emotional wreck, missing my family and feeling completely overwhelmed. My boss and I talked about it one day after work and as I was bawling she volunteered to watch Henry so that we could get out for a while. We don't have any babysitters here because I'm always so busy that I never have the time to get out and make friends (lame). I should also admit that I'm totally one of those moms who's afraid to leave their baby with even an acquaintance (not so lame?).
Thanks to the family I nanny for, Garrison and I finally went out without the H man once again. We had the nicest meal at a new French restaurant and drinks at a bar we had never been to. It was so relaxing and totally nice to finally have a few hours to focus on each other without having to talk over Fisher Price songs and pterodactyl-like screeches.
When we got back, Henry was asleep in his pack and play. He was so relaxed, sleeping with his body all twisted and snoring lightly (hilarious). Apparently he was a perfect little buddy the entire night and only started to get fussy right around bed time. We scooped him up and slipped him into his car, the whole time amazed that he had been so good.
As if the weekend couldn't get any better, Saturday morning my boss picked me up and took me to the spa. That = an additional four hours Henry free. Amazing. I had actually never been to a spa before and it was really nice. We sipped hella free mimosas and soaked in a hot tub, got a massage
and a facial, and ate a light lunch (with more free mimosas. duhhh) so. relaxing. When I got back to the house, my boys were eating lunch on the front porch and my messy baby squealed at me with outstretched, yogurt hands and my heart melted. It was like everything had been reset and it was awesome.
You need to give yourself a chance to actually miss your baby and allow some time alone to focus on important things that have been lost over time. Trust me, it makes everything 129802384923490820935 times better.
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