I know this might come off a little sexist or whatever, but that's totally not me so just bare with me on this one. The other night I was singing Henry his lullabies and I got really bummed. I realized that most likely his own babies will not fall asleep to the special songs Henry and I share at night. His future wife will have lullabies of her own (probably ones that she grew up with) and she'll just sing those.
I guess I've always just assumed that if I sing Henry the same three songs before bed, one day he'd sing them to my grandchildren. But honestly? What are the chances he will be the one putting his babies to sleep? In most cases, the mom is the boss of the bedtime routine. I know there are lullabies that G's mom sang to him growing up, but do I sing those to Henry at night? No. I don't even know how they go. And sure G sings them occasionally but definitely not enough for them to "stick".
It's hard when the whole bedtime routine falls so much on the breastfeeding mom and it's unfortunate that because of this, such a special piece of childhood is easily lost.