So I've been having a real difficult time with this blog lately. I've gone from having at least a dozen ideas for future posts a day to just feeling blaaaaah every time it crosses my mind. Maybe it's that I've been thinking about it too much, so much that all of my ideas have turned sour in my head...I don't know. Sometimes I get so bored with ideas like, "Henry turned five months!" and "Henry tried pears today!" It all feels so lame and mundane.
I've thought about starting another blog just to sort out my unbaby related thoughts (do I even have those?) but always talk myself out of it. Blogs are so time consuming, you know!
Do you all ever feel so much pent up creativity but find that you lack the motivation and means to express it? Am I the only person who writes while thinking how gross it is to assume that people will care to read it?
I'm sure I'm not alone in these thoughts but uuuugh. My foggy mind!
ahhh.. I've had some major writers block the last two days as well! Maybe even longer...
Without Aidyn around, I have no muse.. no inspiration! My blog would really suck if he wasn't around!
I made my blog for my friends and family to know about how the pregnancy is going and also to document it for myself.. Like an online baby book. Then, I chose to leave it open and meet other bloggers if we happen to find eachother. I love having a place to write things down and have a reason to take more pictures!
Just have fun! Who cares if you think people like to read... Obviously you DO have readers! If they didn't like what u had to offer they wouldn't come here! And you can always just post a couple of pictures if you're having writers block.. I know NO ONE could get sick of seeing cutie Henry :o)
I've been reading posts on a lot of peoples blogs lately where they're worrying about this or that or how they're being viewed or how their blog comes across. I think everyone is taking it a little too seriously. Not every blog is "fake" or "without substance" just because it's usually positive. Maybe that persons life at that moment IS mostly positive! Not every blog is "trying to win a popularity contest" or "arrogant to think people like their blog and what it contains" just because they happen to be on top baby blogs or continue to write! Sometimes I see bloggers writing about themselves and sometimes I see them GASP writing about other bloggers! It's all a little too involved and dramatic. It's your life, it's your blog, and u choose it's content.. Readers may come and go, like it or not like it, but if you're having fun with it then either way shouldn't matter.
I think you do a lovely job ;o)
This is how I feel every second of every day. I thought there was something wrong with me (well...there probably still is.)
I don't know...it all just feels old to me. Or like I used to be creative and now I'm not. Or that "no one reads anyway--why bother?" Ugh. I understand.
PS-I just finished your letter! xoxox
Hope your blockade goes away!
I mean... wouldn´t it be fun to look back when, lets say, Henry gets his driving license or such?
I also found it useful! When spouse says it was like this and I can proof, nah, look, here it´s black on white - it was like that! :-)
dude! don't categorize yourself! your blog is YOURS. make it about whatever you want. if i find a random thing i like, i'll share it. you're not just a mom you know. and "LIFE", as in "IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE" isn't just about having babies. just do what you want!
Brittany: Same here! As much as I get bored writing baby posts, without them this blog would be harder to maintain!
Jessica: what?! people really do that (write about other bloggers?) um, i graduated from HS so long ago thank you very much ;) i think it's hard for me because before H this was a personal life story blog for me and i feel like it's lost most of the "just me" aspect to it. working on bringing that back though! thanks for everything you said!
paige: did you reeeeallly just finish my letter? i saw your FB status, you know! Just kidding :) take your time, you can send mine last if you need to! i'm glad you've felt this struggle too. there are so many times i have also thought, "ugh, i used to be creative and now i'm not". i need more time in my day!! ps. henry says hellls yeah to gymboree but wants to hit up the chuckster for some pizza and gaming afterward...
iris: haha! i will definitely keep that aspect in mind when i write now! hilarious and so smart :)
jess: i love your blog so much because you throw in kick ass "you" posts throughout. it's very inspiring, seriously. thanks for the encouragement!!
Secret: while everyone else's sat in the "reply" pile, I jumped yours way up to the front. WAY UP TO THE FRONT! Ahaha, it's in the mail now.
PS-Hells yeah, Henry. Even though that's always our date night--I never get sick of it.
i too blog mainly so i can remember things. and its sometimes fun to share things with other people. dont try to please anyone. write or post pictures of whatever you want! :]
paige: i won't tell anyone! i am so excited i'll be watching the mail every day! has h started splitting his arcade tickets with you yet? i told him he's going to loose you if he doesn't start real soon...
alissa: so true! i just need to find a way to stop thinking about it too much :)
No! I mean...I try not to get annoyed but...really?!
I totally know what you mean. All I can think about is pregnancy topics for posts. I sit there and sit there trying to think of what else is going on in my life and...nothing comes. Don't worry though, I think little Henry is dashing and he makes me excited for my own to come along!
don't think about an audience and just write- if there's something you want to say, that is.
I personally loves reading about and seeing pictures of your neighborhood. Looks so pretty there in the South! Your pictures make it look so sweet and romantic and sticky! If you're looking for more ideas...post more pictures about your adventures out with Henry! :)
i feel the same way all the time. actually i haven't blogged for nearly 2 weeks now i think. i try to remember that i started blogging as sort of a baby book for milo to look back and see what our lives were like together when he was little.
when i see that people are reading my blog i can get a little freaked out and feel pressured to only write happy, lovely things. plus i feel really narcissistic sometimes writing about myself.
so i guess i don't really have any advice, just wanted to let you know i feel the same way sometimes!
brittany: thanks! i'm glad you know how i feel, ha ha. just wait till those babies come too, you'll have an even harder time not writing JUST about them!! love is amazing.
lovie's mom: thank you, very true! it's so hard sometimes though, i've always loved how you are so open on your blog...
anonymous: you are so kind, thank you. we really like living down here, the people so friendly and the history is amazing. it is as sticky as it looks too :)
erinlucyloves: yes! this is exactly the way i feel sometimes! i was wondering why i wasn't receiving any blog updates from you and just noticed that i had missed your post about moving erinlucyloves to a DOTCOM!!! just added your new site to my list, i'm excited to catch up on all that i have missed!!
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