TerraCycle is an awesome program designed to help control the amount of waste produced from everyday items. They actually donate 2 cents to charity for every non-recyclable item they receive! They need eco cautious people like you to start gathering non-recyclables and sending them in so that they can be upcycled into rad products like backpacks, bird feeders, KITES, and bike pouches. Um, how freaking cool is that?

I was seriously blown away by the amount of trash that one tiny baby can create- baby food jars/lids, diaper boxes and plastic wrap, little baggies for this and that...unfortunately, the list goes on. TerraCycle has partnered with major companies like Huggies and Sprout Organic Baby Food (who pay for the costs of the program which = 100% free everything for participants! WIN!) and they need your diaper packaging and food pouches (any brand) so that they can start turning them into things like bibs, diaper bags, and cosmetic cases. What an awesome (and free) opportunity to reduce your carbon footprint and raise some money for charity while doing so, right?!
To check out their upcycled products and begin helping the environment check out their website here:
Terracycle has offered you all some pretty cool products for free! To enter all you have to do is visit their site and then leave a comment below telling me what you love most about our planet. A winner will be randomly selected on Wednesday, July 21st and will receive from TerraCycle a tote bag, a pencil case, AND speakers!!
You do not have to be a follower of my blog to enter this contest. Good luck!
The oceans diversity of animals. Until BP decided to mess it up....... and the fact that even with all the stuff we keep pumping out into the environment the planet has still been able to take care of itself for a while.
I love the creative and passionate people who keep working on coming up with ways to help save it.
Creativity for the sake of survival. You gotta love that.
I love flowers the most. They are so incredible. This is an awesome giveaway!
Can I enter your conest even though I'm related to you? Hey, I didn't see any small print, so put me in the running. What do I love the most about our planet? No brainer for me. My kids, of course!!!!And when I say kids, that includes son in laws and grandbabies as well!!!!
Favorite thing about planet: the wonderful forests and state parks:) Good idea for the give away!
-Bri R.
I'd have to say as of lately, my favorite thing about the planet would have to trees. They not only give us oxygen but they also help me de-stress and breathe by just going for a walk outside.
cool giveaway! : )
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