Henry had his six month check up and had to get some shots so he was a little fussy from that whole ordeal, but other than that things are back to normal. He slept seven hours straight last night (woot! woot!) and even took an hour long nap after his appointment. He does seem to be coming down with his first nasty cold, so maybe that has something to do with why he was refusing sleep?
Thank you all so much for the words of encouragement and support you left me on my last post. It gives me such peace of mind, knowing that so many of you have experienced the same stress as me and that any time I need to talk about it I have some of the most awesome internet buddies to turn to for advice. You guys are the best.
Here's a video of Henry laughing the hardest he's ever laughed. Ever! See, things are looking up!
Who needs Yo Gabba Gabba! when you have Yo Mama Mama?!
oh my god that is the cutest laugh ever!
glad you're feeling better ;o)
haha i was totally laughing outloud!!! that is hilarious!! I think I've made B laugh like that by doing similar things, but I could never grab the camera fast enough..
That is soooo cute! Nothing better than a baby laughing.
Too cute for words. Glad your day was better!
Thanks guys!
Oh, and p.s.... did you ever watch Fried Green Tomatoes? If you did, did you love it?
He's totally gonna hate green beans when he's older!
i love how he's serious until you say green beans..then his face just lights back up again! nothing is better than hearing your baby laugh extremely hard. we both had hard days yesterday..and wonderful ones today. you're right..just one cuddle session and we're back to falling in love with them all over again!
i was laughing out loud too! oh my gosh. his laugh is so infectious.
Oh my gosh, this is the cutest thing I've ever seen. I laughed all the way through it.
Hi! I think your little boy is the cutest baby I've ever seen, apart from my little boy :) I just found your blog and LOVE it! Love the header. Great photographs. (Want to exchange links?)
Hooray for breastfeeding! I never thought I'd still be at it after almost 4 years :)
Are you going to BlogHer?
Dagmar's momsense
He´s really the cutest and funniest guy ever :-)
Great you feel better!
I now see what you need bibs for! :-)
From which age on do you need a bib? (wanna find some cute ones for my niece-to-be)
Great to hear that you have had a better day :)
Baby laughs are the best things in the whole frickin' world! I'll do anything to get my daughter to laugh!
BTW...I e-mailed you about Savannah. :)
I just showed this to my husband and I think it made him a million times more excited for children. :) Once again, I love it.
And you had a c-section! It's good to know that you had one and not only survived, but that it was relatively a good experience. I'd really like to opt for a traditional birth, but baby a has been breach this whole time and they don't want to turn her at risk of turning baby b. There just isn't room. When I told my mom this last night, she panicked and told 2 horror stories of women who have gotten the slice. Umm...thanks for the encouragement, mom? haha. I'll definitely be looking into Henry's arrival and the posts right after that. Thanks SO much!
Also, Josh wont watch chick flicks with me at all. I'm ok with it though because everyone need a little 'girl time' once and a while. Fried Green Tomatoes is utterly sad, but hysterically funny. I love it.
Oh man, if that's not enough to brigthen anyone's day, don't know what is! : )
oh em gee! i love this video! laughing babies are my most favorite! silly little guy. i love how you say bye at the end and then say green beans one more time! too funny!
and yay for the mariners bib!!! and yay for feeling better. its true that a little smile and cuddle TOTALLY make you feel better.
That is ADORABLE!!!
that is so funny. I was laughing so hard, I started crying. and I don't even know your kid. That was so funny! I can't wait until my kid starts laughing. What age did he start?
hey dagmar: thanks! not going to blogher but it does sound very interesting! your little man is such a cutie!
iris: we never used the bibs until h started eating solids. so, around 5 months. also, once they start teething you will go through so many bibs because of drool. you can never have too many bibs, as silly as they seem!
brittany: my birth story is very scary, don't let it frighten you. the actual csection was no big deal, you will do fine! also, maybe baby will turn on her own? i know it's tight in their but h was breech until two weeks before i had him! there are certain exercises you can do to encourage them to flip...
jill: go mariners! hahaha!
klane: hey! thanks for being my new follower! h started purposly laughing around 4 months i think? maybe a bit later? he just very recently started laughing super hard like he is in this video...he's 6 months now. checking out your blog tonight, i can't wait!!
i mentioned henry and you in a post:
oh my gosh, i was laughing out loud! what a cutie! i love how he was holding his hands together and then looking at them. josiah does that all the time haha
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