I'm loving how freaking spastic Henry gets when he knows his food is coming. Anytime he's laying horizontal across my lap he starts bobbing his head up and down with his mouth open as wide as he can get it, like he thinks I might miss and stick my boob in his nose or something. Just look at the determination in that boy's eyes! Dinner time = serious time.
This kid loves. to. eat.
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This kid loves. to. eat.
vote for us! just a click, please!
Oh that is a sweet capture! Reminds me of my baby boy. I think they are close in age! It's funny how excited/anxious they get when it's meal time!
it's hilarious! i've never not given him his milk but he always acts like if he doesn't eat right away he'll miss his chance....!!
I seriously do love how great you are at capturing every little stinkin moment! Its going to make for the best baby book ever! You need to get your blog printed for him!
I´d just crack up laughing!!!
Eva does the exact same thing!
Great picture.
Aww that's too cute! Makes me want to breastfeed even more lol. :)
I saw this photo in google reader and instantly thought "is that baby breastfeeding?" totally recognized the facial expression, too cute and completely priceless!
That's beautiful! Hey at least he knows what's important in life. :)
Hahahaahahashahaha! I LOVE YOU GUYS. This just totally cheered me up.
oh my word do i feel you! Lila is like a crazy lady when she see's me getting the boob around...hahaha sometimes i feel used :)
i love that you caught that moment. jude gets that same excited milk face and if i get him in place before everything is ready he tries to eat my shirt. chill out, kid!
He is going to be SO emberassed about this the rest of his life, lol! But I love it!
Ha ha! Shelley's right too. ;D
I really miss getting to nurse!! My son is 15 months now..and it seems like just yesterday he was looking up at me..with a huge smile on his face!! Your son is just so precious!
haha stella does that to!
um, and henry is just too cute, i think you need to bring him here immediately to have a baby party with stella.
i love that you captured this!
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