I know we are so lucky that this is the first full blown cold H has gotten since birth (and he's already six months old) but wow, I can't wait for this all to pass. It's so hard knowing that your baby is completely uncomfortable and there is nothing that you, the person he trusts the most, can do to make him feel all better.
Oh I'm so sorry!! I know it's sooo hard to watch your baby feel bad. :-( I just hope that he gets over it soon, for both of your sakes. Hang in there!
This is so sad and yet so sweet too. I hope he gets better soon!
oh poor baby! these pictures break my heart, i just want to reach out and give him a snuggle!
milo hasn't ever really been sick before which is great but also a worry that he's going to get really really sick when it finally happens.
i hope your little guy is back to his happy self soon!
That is so sad. I hope he is feeling better! I have a 3 month old and I can't imagine him being sick! Ahh, not looking forward to that! ( I really like your blog.) I'm Klane. Nice to meet you!
if he is all stuffed up and cant sleep , having him sleep upright in a swing helps alot ! hope he starts to feel better ..... ps .... by the way he is sooooo hansom , what pretty eyes and what a sweet face
My son got extremely sick after his last set of shots. we had to go to the ER once..and it was a horrible experience! I certainly hope and pray he gets better soon!! he's too cute to be sick and down!
He is so BEAUTIFUL those eyes. Good energyies being sent your way Henry xo
Oh golly, it is just so heartbreaking isn't it? Lots of cuddles help for sure. Poor babe! I have been visiting your blog for a while and am now officially following so I can say hang in there!
oh no! wyatt gets sick like that after shots. i feel so bad for henry!
Awe I hope your sweetie gets better real soon!
Hope he gets well soon! Poor boy!
Awww that's enough to break anyone's heart. Get well soon, henry.
Beautiful blue eyes!!
New follower!!
Cold's suck!
Ruehl has had 3 or 4 colds since he was born.....AWFUL.
But somehow we get through it.
Being a mom is tough stuff huh!?
thinking of you!!
poor little honey! Give him lots of mommy magic kisses so he gets better soon!
thank you all for the get better wishes for henry! he's feeling 10000 times better today! it really must have been the shots, although they've never affected him that way before :(
and HELLO! to my newest followers! i can't wait to check out your blogs, thanks for commenting!
Oh no! It's been a few days since I've been on your blog. I'm so sorry your little guy was sick. Glad he's doing better! And I'm impressed, somehow he still manages to be the cutest little guy while being completely miserable. That kid's got talent. :)
Ruari's shots did the same thing to her. She came home and slept 5 hours straight for a nap. And, she was wimpery and it made me so sad. Shots freak me out anyway.
the second to last photo is just precious!
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