This is me and your daddy's very first apartment. After our wedding we packed up everything we owned, said goodbye to all of our friends and family, and drove 2,000 miles to Chicago. Leaving everything I knew behind was really hard for me, but the thought of what lay ahead of us was exciting. This apartment will always be special because it is where your dad and I shared the first two years of our new life together and also? It is where you were made.
This place was incredibly small (imagine a very large closet) and your dad and I were always stepping around musical instruments, sewing supplies, books, two large cats, and each other. I personally loved being so cramped but can you imagine if you had been born here?! Your dad and I would have had to sleep standing up!

Our apartment had the most amazing rooftop deck that overlooked the entire downtown. Your dad and I would sit up there for hours, drinking wine and talking about the future. We'd throw around all kinds of big ideas- cities we wanted to live in, schools we wanted to attend, jobs we wanted to have....

But Henry, do you want to know a secret? Life rarely happens the way you've planned. For you see as we sat there dreaming, you were busy growing inside of me and very soon the sweetest little boy I've ever known would make us the happiest trio that ever was, changing our lives forever.
This might be my favorite post of yours, ever, ever. Of course I cried. (hah) It's such a perfect picture of love for the past, enthusiasm about the present, dreams for the future, and all wrapped up in the face that no matter what does and doesn't happen, things are okay.
You are honestly one of the most wonderful people I "know"
i really, really appreciate this comment paige. you have no idea.
and "know", ha ha. you crack me up!
You are very important to me. Weird--right?
love, love.
um, NOT weird! just wait until you read the letter i am sending you, it's border line creepy....
you've been warned!
Hehehe, I just giggled with excitement. ♥
This post made me cry. You are just the cutest thing ever. What a great story to tell Henry in the future. What a cool apartment by the way!
i love this...it's oh so similar to the story of my own little family, and how we came to be. what a 'beautiful interruption'. for all the grand plans i had, i couldn't imagine life any sweeter right now than lounging here with my two favourites in bed on a lazy saturday. :) xoxo
This was very sweet. I've visited Chicago once BC (before child). It was lovely. Soooo easy to get everywhere on the L. Was that what it was called? Hmmmm...
AND, thanks for the blog compliment. It's like you just said my home looks nice. Which: my home is very dirty and messy right now. Not nice. :D
I've been inspired by your blog as well! Mine is too cluttered at the moment. I'm cleaning.
what an awesome life you have.
Emily: thank you for so many wonderful compliments! i hope henry isn't just weirded out that there's a picture of the bed he was made in when he gets older and is reading this letter...:)
courtney: i'd love to hear your story as well! i'm a sucker for things like this, especially lately!
chelsey: it is called the L! and isn't it so wonderful? we never owned a car the two years we lived there, which felt great!
Jess: thanks! you do too! you know, i always read your posts and think "oh, they just have so much fun together, every day." i loved the photos of you and your family from yesterday, btw!
Awww, very, very, very cute - and wise! Love it!!!
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