It really bothers me when I'm out in public and strangers call my baby "fat". I've been told that it's a compliment but it still makes me mad. Please don't tell me that my child is ::gasp:: "really big for his age!" if you know*nothing about him. Henry is only the 34th percentile for weight and while he has gotten much bigger since birth, he's not a big baby.
I feel guilty that this bothers me so much, I mean I wouldn't care if H was the chubbiest guy on the planet. I think it's just that I find it super annoying when people assume they know everything about my baby.
Allie, he is PERFECT. I know what you mean about people saying your baby is fat but I know different about my little lady so I shrug it off. & it is super annoying.
Only because I know you have the same annoyances I do about grammar and I would always want you to tell me if I made a silly insomniac mistake, you said "if you no nothing about him." I think you want know.
And he really doesn't look big to me. He actually looks kind of small to me if anything.
i get that. i really hate it when people tell me my son is really small. it's really annoying to me too. wyatt is in the 10-20th percentile for weight and yes, he's on the small side, but my doc says he perfectly healthy. i hate people.
My Charlie was in the 95th percentile for his weight. We got scolded by doctors, not to nurse him at night. Strangers would constantly come up and pinch his rolls.
It made me sort of crazy.
Now that I look back at it, I really don't care. I let people say whatever it is that they need to say, and kind of let it go in one ear and out the other.
Hudson wasn't even on the charts till after his first birthday. Like more than 99% of kids his age were bigger than him until recently. People used to say: Wow! He's so BIG for his age! & I wanted to effing shoot them. Because ummm, he wasn't big. He was borderline midget. So, people are special- pay them no mind. Although, I should heed my own advice- since I get mad ALL THE TIME when people comment on the size of my (almost too small) kids.
Is he tall? My son is under the percentile for head and weight, but above for height. He's going to be long and lean. People always say he is big too, so I just assume tall. I think he looks perfect, and he has the sweetest face too. :)
Ugh, I just hate strangers comments in general. Im the mom that snaps back..."Oh your son is so cute!" As my DAUGHTER jams on a ink binky, dressed in a jumper covered in sunflowers. Me? "Um, Im sorry, shes a girl, You see the flowers and PINK? its really quite apparent" and walk away.
Henry is absolutely PERFECT. He is yummy and sweet and not chubs at all. Next time, just dont respond, give the person a look like "are you kidding me?" and just keep moving, if you dont feel comfortable snapping back at them. That should send a message. Stupid strangers.
i don't mind when people say things like, "oh, what a big boy!" or "oh, look how chubby!" because i know they are trying to be nice. they are probably stupid and misguided, but they have decent intentions and just don't know anything about babies.
BUT- when they go on and on and on about how HUGE he is and how FAT and so BIG and are he is HOW old?! that's just plain rude. back it off, jerks.
people should probably not comment on babies sizes, just like pregnant ladies. too sensitive.
taylor: thanks! i really do think it annoys me because i hate how everyone acts like a baby expert or something, when really all babies are so different.
britt: chubby babies are the best! do people still comment annoying bits about aidyn, even though he's older?! does this ever stop? haha.
paige: thanks for catching my mistake! i fixed it and put your name at the bottom and then melissa found you and...yay!!
jess: yeah, unless you are a doctor or something you should probably just keep your comments to yourself. unless you like pissing people off...
tia: thank you!! i need to learn to just shrug it off as you have. does it bother you when people touch your babies/belly? because that one i can handle a little more. one time this lady kissed him all over his head though, and that WAS a little too much.
shawntae: i haven't had anyone do that yet but that would realllly bug me! i already compare him to others enough on my own and have to keep reminding myself that all babies are not alike. baby bff would be awesome! where do you guys live? we're in GA.
emily: ahahaha, yes! maybe it's just something that people repeat when they don't know what to say...maybe i'll print henry's stats on a t-shirt or something. :)
sarah: yeah, he's really tall for his age too! so i always let the "big" comments slide. it's the "oooh, he's so chubby/fat/huge/etc" that annoy me the most! but yes, a lot of the "big" comments are referring to his length :)
lovie's mom: ahhh, thanks! lovie is adorable as well, henry has no idea who's waiting for him ;)
katherine: haha! yes, people call h a girl all the time too! that one is most annoying when they are clearly dressed in obvious outfits. i admire you for saying something, i think most wouldn't have the guts (myself included!)
jamie: same here! there are definitely nice comments and ones said just to be rude (even if it is unintentional). it is exactly like commenting on a pregnant lady's size/belly/status/whatever. if you aren't sure then don't even go there...
Oh my goodness, I know how you feel! When people ask "how old is your baby?" and I tell them "oh he's 5 months." They always respond: "Oh wow, he's so big for his age!".... thanks a lot!! Ugh.
Mandy: That must be the go-to comment about five month that he's almost six months, i tell people he IS half a year and they say "wow, he's a tiny little guy!" WEIRD.
Chelsey: really? she's so tiny though! i would never think that...
Allie, he is PERFECT. I know what you mean about people saying your baby is fat but I know different about my little lady so I shrug it off. & it is super annoying.
I love chubby babies. okay.. okay.. I love ALLL babies..
but I would not think your son was chubby fat.. in fact, I think he's quite adorable looking. but you aready know how much of a hunk I think he is!
I get really annoyed as well when people tell me things about Aidyn. I def. feel ya!
Only because I know you have the same annoyances I do about grammar and I would always want you to tell me if I made a silly insomniac mistake, you said "if you no nothing about him." I think you want know.
And he really doesn't look big to me. He actually looks kind of small to me if anything.
i get that. i really hate it when people tell me my son is really small. it's really annoying to me too. wyatt is in the 10-20th percentile for weight and yes, he's on the small side, but my doc says he perfectly healthy. i hate people.
My Charlie was in the 95th percentile for his weight. We got scolded by doctors, not to nurse him at night. Strangers would constantly come up and pinch his rolls.
It made me sort of crazy.
Now that I look back at it, I really don't care. I let people say whatever it is that they need to say, and kind of let it go in one ear and out the other.
Your baby is beautiful. And nothing else.
I hate that!! Or when moms try to compare their child with yours. Like Oh why isn't he sitting up? My son was sitting up by this age.blah blah blah.
You just want to slap them in the face.
I think he is perfect the way he is.
He is seriously so cute and looks healthy!
To bad you don't live by me otherwise Kingston and him could be baby best friends. ;)
Hudson wasn't even on the charts till after his first birthday. Like more than 99% of kids his age were bigger than him until recently. People used to say: Wow! He's so BIG for his age! & I wanted to effing shoot them. Because ummm, he wasn't big. He was borderline midget. So, people are special- pay them no mind. Although, I should heed my own advice- since I get mad ALL THE TIME when people comment on the size of my (almost too small) kids.
Is he tall? My son is under the percentile for head and weight, but above for height. He's going to be long and lean. People always say he is big too, so I just assume tall.
I think he looks perfect, and he has the sweetest face too. :)
Seriously, I would never think of H as being a fat or chubby baby. Not at all! He's totally PERFECT! My future son in law. ;D
Ugh, I just hate strangers comments in general. Im the mom that snaps back..."Oh your son is so cute!" As my DAUGHTER jams on a ink binky, dressed in a jumper covered in sunflowers. Me? "Um, Im sorry, shes a girl, You see the flowers and PINK? its really quite apparent" and walk away.
Henry is absolutely PERFECT. He is yummy and sweet and not chubs at all. Next time, just dont respond, give the person a look like "are you kidding me?" and just keep moving, if you dont feel comfortable snapping back at them. That should send a message. Stupid strangers.
i don't mind when people say things like, "oh, what a big boy!" or "oh, look how chubby!" because i know they are trying to be nice. they are probably stupid and misguided, but they have decent intentions and just don't know anything about babies.
BUT- when they go on and on and on about how HUGE he is and how FAT and so BIG and are he is HOW old?! that's just plain rude. back it off, jerks.
people should probably not comment on babies sizes, just like pregnant ladies. too sensitive.
don't pay attention to those people. henry is absolutely perfect. i mean, just look at him! :)
taylor: thanks! i really do think it annoys me because i hate how everyone acts like a baby expert or something, when really all babies are so different.
britt: chubby babies are the best! do people still comment annoying bits about aidyn, even though he's older?! does this ever stop? haha.
paige: thanks for catching my mistake! i fixed it and put your name at the bottom and then melissa found you and...yay!!
jess: yeah, unless you are a doctor or something you should probably just keep your comments to yourself. unless you like pissing people off...
tia: thank you!! i need to learn to just shrug it off as you have. does it bother you when people touch your babies/belly? because that one i can handle a little more. one time this lady kissed him all over his head though, and that WAS a little too much.
shawntae: i haven't had anyone do that yet but that would realllly bug me! i already compare him to others enough on my own and have to keep reminding myself that all babies are not alike. baby bff would be awesome! where do you guys live? we're in GA.
emily: ahahaha, yes! maybe it's just something that people repeat when they don't know what to say...maybe i'll print henry's stats on a t-shirt or something. :)
sarah: yeah, he's really tall for his age too! so i always let the "big" comments slide. it's the "oooh, he's so chubby/fat/huge/etc" that annoy me the most! but yes, a lot of the "big" comments are referring to his length :)
lovie's mom: ahhh, thanks! lovie is adorable as well, henry has no idea who's waiting for him ;)
katherine: haha! yes, people call h a girl all the time too! that one is most annoying when they are clearly dressed in obvious outfits. i admire you for saying something, i think most wouldn't have the guts (myself included!)
jamie: same here! there are definitely nice comments and ones said just to be rude (even if it is unintentional). it is exactly like commenting on a pregnant lady's size/belly/status/whatever. if you aren't sure then don't even go there...
thanks mariel!!
He doesn't look "fat" at all to me!!
shelley: i know! people are so silly...
Oh my goodness, I know how you feel! When people ask "how old is your baby?" and I tell them "oh he's 5 months." They always respond: "Oh wow, he's so big for his age!".... thanks a lot!! Ugh.
Weird. Whatever to them! I'm often told: Wow, your baby has a big head... I know she does. But, to point it out is odd...
Mandy: That must be the go-to comment about five month that he's almost six months, i tell people he IS half a year and they say "wow, he's a tiny little guy!" WEIRD.
Chelsey: really? she's so tiny though! i would never think that...
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