This is how Henry and I slept last night.
And by "Henry and I slept" I mean, just Henry slept (and only for about three hours total). I don't know what was keeping him up but every time I would finish feeding him, I wouldn't even make it out the door before he would wake up full on screaming. I must have fed him about six times in three hours because it was the only thing that would calm him. I'm not going to lie, I was pretty stressed/frustrated/pissed off last night. I even told Garrison, "I'm sick of being a mom right now" and switched the baby monitor off because his crying was getting on my nerves. Of course, I didn't really mean it and after I had gotten over myself I slipped back into his room. I scooped him up and plopped him down on the futon with a pile of blankets and pillows from the closet. He sighed, grabbed a handful of my hair and smiled at me, and then fell asleep. (heart mellllting)
I thought today would be better but Henry is skipping his day naps and to add to the stress he fell off of the bed at work. I ran into the room and found him lying on the floor shaking and holding his little arm all weird. My heart nearly exploded and I started bawling and frantically rocking him back and forth. I'm just not feeling the whole "mom" thing today guys (I am aware of how awful that sounds). Sometimes I wish I could just take a break and have a day to myself. Unfortunately I hardly ever get even a full hour and after a while it all catches up with me. I feel burned-out. Boo-hoo, waaaa, waaaa, waaaaa. I know.
Day, you can end now. You've been no good.