Before I was a mom, I always imagined those early months being the most challenging for me. Something about all the stress of "Am I doing this right?" and night after night of little/no sleep and trying to recover from giving birth and figuring out how to keep your relationships healthy...it was all almost too much for my mind to handle. Looking back on those first months though I'm laughing. HARD. Because while being a brand new mom was crazy and challenging in all of those ways and more, it ain't got crap on being the mom of a seven month old.
Months 7-9 of Henry's life seriously kicked my butt. They were the longest and hardest days of his life. Right after he turned seven months, it's like something inside me (and him) snapped. I suddenly felt like I had no control, patience, or motivation and it sucked. I went from not minding the early morning feedings to actually rolling over, mumbling, "omg. stopppppp..." and switching off the baby monitor. I started fearing that Henry would be three years old before I'd ever feel even slightly rested again. It was during these months that I felt like I was incapable of being someones mother. I was always thinking, "This is never going to end" and then suddenly (as quickly as it began) it did.
Henry turned ten months on the 19th of November and now? Being a mom rules again. Right around his birthday everything got a million times better, easier, and more fun. He's becoming more independent and starting to communicate and even sleeping through the night (mostly). He's picking up new tricks almost every day and passing milestones like whoa. You know, when they are so so little they do something new like every day and then they reach this point where it all slows down and it's like your enthusiasm fades and you have hella time to focus on the things that really stress you out.
I guess I just wanted to let any other moms that might be going through a hard period with baby know that holy crap, it DOES get better! So much better! And randomly too. I swear one day we all woke up and the storm was over, it was the weirdest (and most awesome) thing.
Allie! This post made me smile from ear to ear. So glad you all have weathered the storm. Keep moving ahead, right? LOVE to you.
i felt like you were writing TO ME! this totally sums up how i felt too. and now, wyatt is 14 months old and it's like... totally great. he watches movies, plays, sleeps all night (yes he wakes up at 6:30 but i always bring him to bed and we sleep for another hour, so i'm not complaining). he drinks milk out of a sippy cup, walks around - even trying to run. life's pretty great.
being a mom is straight up intense. and sometimes there is NO ONE there to tell you that it's okay if you want to run out of the house screaming.. or maybe even tell your kid to shut the eff up because he's been screaming and whining about nothing. we're normal. it's cool.
Sebastian is 9 months now.. I know EXACTLY what you mean! Well.. about the hard part... we're still in! He slept through night from pretty much 2 months until BAM.. he hits 7-8 months and suddenly wants to wake up?! What the?! Last night.. I actually FELL ASLEEP IN HIS CRIB(it's a floor bed) WITH HIM!!! He's suddenly afraid of loud noises.. and THE WIND wakes him up!!!? IMPOSSIBLE! anyhow... it all makes me laugh. Great to know your storm is over.. waiting for mine to end!
You have no idea how much I love this post!!! You took the words right out of my mouth. I was seriously saying almost this exact thing to my husband a few nights ago. I look back on Bennett's first few months, and holy cow they were a breeze compared to months 6ish-9ish. Icky... those months were soooo hard!
But just like Henry, at 10 months old, Bennett is like a whole new baby. Sleeping better, eating better, more independent, less fussy in general. I love it!
People always told me that babies go through phases, but you just have to hang in there when you hit a hard patch. It's so true! :)
great post! i'm not a mom but I know there's lots out there that will find this really encouraging :)
Thanks for writing this. It's so true, isn't it? Just when you start to think, "what was I thinking?" they go and get all adorable again. When do you head home for Christmas? I'd love to meet up for lunch at the Rosewood! xxoo
OMG my baby's 3 months old and I thought the worst part was going to be over soon... Oh well, at least I know what to expect now! Congratulations on reaching the awesome phase!
It's hard to believe just by looking at pictures that your little cutie could be a handful but I have heard so many stories about babies that I believe it! Sometimes just looking at pictures of my friends' babies makes me think it's easier than I've heard but then obviously they wouldn't put the hard times up on the internet! I'm glad things are getting easier! Yay!
Great news glad you are both feeling better. It's so true the way they have a phase of just crying being hard for a while then easy again.
You're a great Mummy Allie
I sooo needed this! I am saying the same things...sad thing is DD is only 2 1/2 moths!! Here's hoping for a better day/week/month!
I certainly agree with everything you said..and a lot of women probably will look up to your blog for saying it. My son is almost 20 months, and I still find some days to be extremely stressful..but then we have ten great days in a row...and it makes me forget about the bad. It will be a challenge for years to come..then they will be teenagers : )
Such great advice for all the new mamas out there! I totally relate, although my hardest time was the first 5 months or so. Since then it's been a wonderful, happy life for all three of us...most of the time ;)
Your baby is adorable!
Thank you for posting this! My own delicious Henry turned 9 mos today and wowza is he testing my patience daily (and nightly). You have me very much looking forward to January and maybe even a full night's sleep!
Allie, so true! things have gotten easier, haven't they?
it's nice to read about it because sometimes when you are in it day to day, you feel it but it's not obvious.
thanks for making me aware!
You've totally got a grip on the whole parenting shebang here: it IS completely cyclical like that. Some months are rad, others make you question whether you've lost your freakin' mind. But knowing it WILL get better, and experiencing that firsthand, makes it so much easier to deal with!
My Henry is now four (what?? that blows my mind), and he's like a little man. I mean, he still needs me which I adore, but he's not DEPENDENT on me as much as he used to be. And we're about to add a new baby to the mix ANY DAY NOW!! So I get to go back and do it all over again! But this time around, it's been a WHOLE DIFFERENT ballgame. I'm so much less anxious, and I realize how fast their infancy really goes. I will not take for granted those baby days and toddler days EVER again...
AWESOME POST! You've got a great outlook and you are wise beyond your years, mama!
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