We have a bunch of bizarre routines like this, they make the whole bedtime schedule a little time consuming but Henry looooves them. EX: Every night after bath, he has to watch the water drain completely and then point outside when I ask, "Where did the water go?"
I can't skip any of these because he'd totally notice. I'd like to think I'm encouraging genius but I may just be creating OCD.
This is his latest fave (excuse the clutter, it was just one of those days).
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I can't skip any of these because he'd totally notice. I'd like to think I'm encouraging genius but I may just be creating OCD.
This is his latest fave (excuse the clutter, it was just one of those days).
vote for us?
WOW, that IS NOT the cutest thing i have ever seen ever AT ALL! i love how he kissed g at the end! oh henry.
um, that is AWESOME. I've watched this three times already. and you can bet I'll be showing it to CHarlie tomorrow. I love how excited YOU guys get! HAHA!
OMG. I'm dying over the cuteness! My Henry is sitting right here and I was so hoping he'd hear the "Go Henry, Go Henry" and get excited. hahaha. I love your family, way too cute!
Hahahaha I LOVE this. Yeah, I don't really know how to comment back on my own tumblr either? But thank you for your reply! Yeah the whole second you sit down, screaming child thing I can relate to beyond words can explain. I hope you and your little one had an amazing day! :)
LOVE THIS! definitely worth a vote or two or... a million?! Seba loves it too!
cutest ever!
I love that sooo much.
You guys are the cutest parents ever!!
Holy cuteness!!! Are you kidding me with that? I love how excited you all are, that energy is so contagious!!
I love you guys so much it hurts.
This is too hilarious!! My Henry is going to adore this video!! And you guys made me die laughing...it's exactly like our house when Henry was little, and doing those things!
Does he fall asleep after all the dancing and celebrating? Not too much excitement?
We're still trying to figure out our bedtime routine with our three month old. It'll be a while before he can turn off the lights.
Henry is very very cute, btw.
wow! that's freaking amazing. i may be stealing this.
I love this so much! Go Henry, go Henry, go Henry, go Henry!
ha ha ha! love it! don't worry, you aren't the only ones with messed up bed-time routines. we definitely have our fair share...
OMG! He is too freaking cute! We don't have any bedtime routines with Landon...yet.
that is adorable. though I think Mommy and Daddy might enjoy it as much/more than Henry :) And don't worry, it's not creating OCD; it's providing security for him. Little ones thrive and crave routine.
Friggin adorable LOVE it!! would you guys consitter adopting me you look like fun :)
love that! Go Henry!
Ah baby open mouth kisses! HILARIOUS.
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