The weather has been real weird lately. Warm enough to go on jogs one day and too cold to run into the grocery store the next. What gives? We took advantage of the warm(er) temperatures on Sunday to visit the park down the street. It was yesterday that I really realized how grown up Baby Henry is as I watched him explore the gym on his own. SO fun watching him crawl everywhere but also kind of depressing. Guys? He's going to be a year old in just a month. GAH!

I was trying to capture Henry going all crazy over this bridge at the playground but instead got a video of this awesome kid warning us about the rain water that had puddled up over the grass. Um, hilarious. He had a little dog with him too and he kept telling us that his dog "Wicks" and "Isn't that Funny? My dog will wick ya! Hahahahaha". Seriously, this kid ruled pretty hard. The only thing that could have possibly made him any more awesome would have been a big, red koolaid stain on his upper lip.
hmmm that kid may be a future news reporter! haha i love Henry's outfit! so bundled up and cozy looking.. makes me wanna snuggle the heck outta him!
Aww, he is too precious :)
Love his little jacket!
Time does fly...mine is THREE already...scary! ;) Enjoy every little second!
what exactly is that, that he is rideing on? lol!
he is getting so big! it happens too fast :(
Yeah, those are my favorite photos from you! He looks so cute and bundly. Our babies are getting so OLD!
He is SO big! I can't get over it.
I love Henry's face while the kid is talking to you. he knows the kid is full of it! I also love that the broken pipe is gonna flood the WHOLE TOWN! lol
Cute photos! I can't believe Henry is almost a year! where does it go?
he's like, "who IS that kid? i must follow him.."
Henry's so cute! I love how he wanted to follow the big boy and I laughed out loud when you asked the big boy if he had a boat for the fwud! Awesome =)
his face while hes riding that duck - i LOVE it.
that little boy made my day.
Henry is look up at him like "Dude you just ruined my video! I am the star of this show not you!" haha
The fwud. haha too cute
I'm so bummed that I can't watch videos at work!!
I love the picture of Henry in the swing. And on the slide. And on the duck. Oh heck, I love them all!!!
I love the way Henry looks at the boy while he talks to you. Also, the whole tongue thing is cracking me up. Too cute.
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