So yesterday I was trying to get a good mama + baby picture of me and Henry. I like taking those occasionally and storing them on my computer because I know someday I'll want to look back and remember what I looked like as a young mom. While these aren't exactly the pictures I had in mind they are a pretty accurate depiction of his personality these days and I think it's pretty funny how much has changed in just a few months.
Unlike those cute-pictures x10000000 early months when he was so in awe of the camera he'd just stare at it and smile, Henry hates sitting for another picture. He doesn't like to be held for longer than two minutes and he's always grabbing my boobs (see pic below) or arching his back and diving for the floor. I try to get him to look at the camera but he's more interested in the stupid cat or the frames on the wall or ripping my hair out, lalala.
thanks to all of your votes so far, we've just moved up two spots! thanks!
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oh, the boob grab. isn't it dreamy?
Oh crazy babies. Pretty much all of my photos of Ruari are blurry now. I do love the boob grabbing/balloon photo!
Oh, I do like that creative balloon shot, boob grab and all. :)
I hear you about the pictures! It seems babies hit their stubborn streak right about 10 months!! Boo!
that photo is the balloon is awesome!
I love that balloon picture! :)
Well, tell Henry no matter how much he hates it... he´s still the cutest :-)
Following you!
This is so cute!
don't worry...he'll start to dig the camera again soon.
haha babies and boobies.
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