Dear Henry,
You are so sick and miserable and pathetic and it breaks my heart to know that you are so uncomfortable. It seems like every other "Dear Henry" here is written to you when you are sick. I guess it's another way for me to wish out loud that I could stop your nose from running and make your little bones feel less achy.
When you are sick, like really really sick, you turn into this cuddly little thing and that I love. For three days straight you are perfectly content resting on my chest and nestling into my neck while I rub your back and tickle your arms. I love taking care of you when you are not feeling good. It's when you are sick that I really feel like someone's mom and it feels so good.
Yesterday after work, we both put on pajamas and watched YoGabbaGabba and Sesame Street with the lights off. You drank your juice and we snacked on SnapPea Crisps and it was wonderful. You are totally into this video the most and we must have repeated it about fifteen times. I remember watching it when I was little and now I'm sharing it with my own baby bear. You may not understand just how good this feels until you have kids of your own someday but let me just say that it's one of the most amazing feelings I have ever known.
You are so sick and miserable and pathetic and it breaks my heart to know that you are so uncomfortable. It seems like every other "Dear Henry" here is written to you when you are sick. I guess it's another way for me to wish out loud that I could stop your nose from running and make your little bones feel less achy.
When you are sick, like really really sick, you turn into this cuddly little thing and that I love. For three days straight you are perfectly content resting on my chest and nestling into my neck while I rub your back and tickle your arms. I love taking care of you when you are not feeling good. It's when you are sick that I really feel like someone's mom and it feels so good.
Yesterday after work, we both put on pajamas and watched YoGabbaGabba and Sesame Street with the lights off. You drank your juice and we snacked on SnapPea Crisps and it was wonderful. You are totally into this video the most and we must have repeated it about fifteen times. I remember watching it when I was little and now I'm sharing it with my own baby bear. You may not understand just how good this feels until you have kids of your own someday but let me just say that it's one of the most amazing feelings I have ever known.
I hate it when my little dude is sick, but I love that he needs me SO HARD during those times. All he wants to do is cuddle and rest, which is rare considering he's an almost-2-ball-of-fire these days. I hope dude feels better soon.
um can I just say you are like the world's cutest mom??
Your family is downright adorable.
oh! and Henry! get well soon but don't stop cuddling with yo mama!
awww hope he feels better soon!
how sweet. :)
You are a good mama, Henry is a lucky little guy.
Love this. Hug to you Allie.
Allie! Just saw all your awesome comments over at my place; love it when you stop by! Left a couple back for you. XOXO
Oh... poor sick baby! That is so sweet sharing the video.
hope little H feels better soon! but in the meantime.. enjoy the extra cuddles.. ;o)
Its so darn hard when the kiddos get sick! I wish they could tell us how they feel and where they don't feel good. I certainly hope he feels better soon!
Its so darn hard when the kiddos get sick! I wish they could tell us how they feel and where they don't feel good. I certainly hope he feels better soon!
oh no henry! stella say get well quick!
oh no henry! stella say get well quick!
I just found your blog through "Top Baby Blogs"- its great! :) I'm following along :)
I have a HENRY TOO! :) He's one :)
Feel free to check out mine & follow along!
aw. i hope he feels better. love it when they are snuggle bunnies though...
Man right here with you momma! G's a sickie pants right now too...
I've been singing "My name is You" for 2 days now... :)
oh i hope he gets better real soon. parker's sick too... it's not fun :( but the snuggliness kinda is.
Awww, poor Henry!! I hope he feels better soon if he doesn't already (I'm behind on my reading, sorry!!)
poor little bubsey! although there really is no better feeling than realizing you are truly a comfort to your little one. precious cuddly moments = the BEST!
happy healing, little henry! XOXO!
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