We really were having a fun time planting Henry's strawberry plant....
Until the firetruck drove by and blasted its horn.
I've never seen him so intrigued and incredibly scared at the same time. They'd be on his awesome list if they just didn't make any noise!
Also, see our new banner? I'm so excited about it! My beautiful blog friend Jess from I ROCK SO WHAT made it for us along with a new button that I'll be posting soon.
Have you all seen her banners yet? She's so creative and has made some of my favorite blog banners for other blogs. Want one of your own? Visit HER SHOP and she'll be more than stoked to work with you. It was really easy too, I basically told her what I had in mind and she played around with the pictures I sent...four days later It's a Wonderful Life is all spruced up and looking awesome. Please, please check her out!
Also, see our new banner? I'm so excited about it! My beautiful blog friend Jess from I ROCK SO WHAT made it for us along with a new button that I'll be posting soon.

Cool new banner!! That little Henry is such a cutie pie!!!
oh good. thanks for the new blog post so i could come here for a reason other than just looking at your new banner over and over! haha i was feeling like a creeper! i think corbin would lose his marbles if a fire truck was that close blasting its siren too. but far away, they are the coolest things ever! you always inspire me to do fun things and im so going to get corbin a strawberry plant of his own!
also? its hilarious how you moved all the animals around him! i looooove you! ahahahaha!!
I just LOLed pretty bad at the Henry picture. I shouldn't laugh at a crying baby, but he is just too funny
looks great!
that banner is absolutely perfect!
oh dear, poor henry! Your banner is awesome! Jess does some great stuff
Glad to see you get some use out of the frog! :)
Oh Allie, I think Charlie and Henry will be great friends, that looks vaguely familiar to Charlie's expression at the Rainforest Cafe last week when the gorillas started making noise.
awe Henry. LOL how sad. Mean fire truck!!
I just came back to this to see it on my computer instead of my phone to laugh at it again.
oh my god, wyatt would react the same exact way! he's pretty much petrified of loud noises! and thanks so much for the shout out! you really didn't have to do that!
:( poor henry! ;)
i LOVE your new header! it's pretty awesome!
Allie i love the new banner!!! it looks amazing!
Love the new banner! And it's the garbage truck for Augusta; soooo terrified and yet so captivated. Screaming and tears. But. Can't. Look. Away. Crazy babies!
love the new banner, and i love henry's facial expressions! he's so animated! poor guy. you can't help but giggle even though he's so sad!
i think i make the same face Henry makes, i hate it when they make that LOUD noise!!!
love the banner! that Jess, she does good work. :)
Aw, that's so sad (and cute)! Those fire trucks can be scary. Hope you got your strawberry plant in the ground after all :)
oh so sweet!! ellie isn't such a fan of loud noises either! your new banner is great, i love it!
Oh, poor Henry! I don't like loud noises either...
Seeeeeeriously? That face kills. I love him {in the most non creepy internet friend sort of way}.
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