Henry's quilt turned out so beautiful that my mom has taken up sewing again and is whipping out quilts like nobody's biznazz and I thought it would be fun to try something new.
A quilt auction!
So here's how it works:
* Starting price is $50 (+ S&H)
* You are bidding on the handmade quilt pictured below
* Leave a comment letting me know that you are interested and how much you'd like to pay (ex: if someone has already bid $52, leave me a comment saying you'd pay $53....)
* If you're the only person to comment, you could win this quilt for $50!
* Auction ends Friday, March 31st
About the quilt:

* Size: 32 x 42 (the size of a crib mattress)
* Perfect for a crib, tummy time, stroller outings, or as a picnic blanket!
* 100% cotton fabric (john deer, blue sky, and red bandana patterns. same as Henry's, CUTE).
* Henry's is made from the same material and it's super cuddly, he sleeps with it every night!
(Also, $50? A steal. I've priced quilts this size on Etsy and they are selling anywhere from $75-$150!)
Good luck!
(payment accepted through PayPal. auction open to US/Canada residents only -sorry! please email any questions to: allie at wonderful_life_blog@yahoo.com)
omg allie your moms got TALENT! :) corbin would flip over a john deere blanket! wish i had an extra fifty bucks to blow on a blanket!! i looooove it!
This quilt is amazing..the work that goes into quilting wow..I have been trying to learn to quilt..Little handmades here and there. I hope you save this forever...
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