My friend Jill over at The Chronicles of Corbin is doing something really cool. She's asked a few ladies to donate something for a giveaway that is GOING ON RIGHT NOW!!! Make a minimum donation of $5 and you'll be entered into a drawing for something really awesome. All of the money raised will be given to the Red Cross.
I'm offering a pair of custom, hand sewn baby booties like the ones I made for Paige's friend Cheryl last year:
Organizations use the cheesy "for the price of a coffee you could...." tag because moms drink a ton of coffee and it makes them feel guilty. So here I am, making you feel guilty: Brew yourself a cup at home tomorrow and send your money to people who could really use some help right now. Click the Japan button at the top and check it out!
I love that she had this idea! I was happy to donate something. I hope she raises lots of money!
Oh, and if you have some extra time - could you sew up a pair of those little booties for Bennett :)
so gosh dern cute
love love love that you posted this! thanks so much for donating and all your support! you're the best!! im so jealous of whoever wins those booties!!
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