A few days ago we picked up Krispy Kreme Doughnuts for the kids I nanny*. I think this was Henry's first doughnut and he seriously LOVED IT. Like, shoving as much of it in his mouth and gagging LOVED IT. He ate the whole thing and then I felt super guilty because I had just let my thirteen month old consume like a half pound of sugar and lard.
* not happening ever again. kids + doughnuts = disaster. seriously, they literally ripped the house apart running around screaming Dora songs like cracked out chipmunks.
Dough-nut forget to vote today (i'm so funny hardeeharhar)

sugar and lard never hurt nobody. okay, well, i guess it has. but he'll be fine!
haha! i love it. what a lucky boy!
hahaha i love it! he is so cute.
Ha, at least you got a hilarious picture out of it!!
it's his god given right as a human being to devour a krispy kreme so relax! :D damn, now i want one!
We, sadly, do not have any Krispy Kremes near us... The man at Dunkin' Donuts always gives me a munchkin when Mommy goes in for coffee, though!
My daughter was just about exactly Henry's age when she had her first taste of doughnut, and while I wasn't enthused (it was my dad's idea) I soon realized that treats are more than okay in moderation and relaxed a lot about what she eats. Fortunately she still prefers veggies and fruits to all else, but will still eat the hell out of a doughnut.
Ohhhhh I am craving sugar and lard right about now, thanks a lot :)
did he end up taking an extra long nap that day? that picture is too cute! and you are hardy har har hilarious! :)
I had a donut this morning (holyshitwasitdelicious) and i too feel like a cracked out chipmunk!
LOL! I <3 me some Henry! Your such a cool mom to let him enjoy such a great snack.
Yummo! Krisy Kreme sounds delicious. The cracked oyt chipmunks comment totally made me LoL.
omg this is amazing, well not when you had to wrangle them all up during their sugar high but the pic of Henry with it is awesome!!!!
He looks so cute eating it though!
From our neck of the woods that would be a great high calorie snack (sophs cf and lack of eating anything) so I see no wrong.
Balance is good, sugar is good, doughnuts are gooooood!
Take care xxx
Heh, that's nothin'. Your bro. and his two little friends can inhale a whole dozen in nothin' flat.
Just. you. wait....
Those kids must LOVE you! Cute picture!
Hehe! Adorable photo. Mmm donuts :P~~
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