Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Banana Baby

So, you guys take insane amounts of pictures of your kids doing something as stupid as eating a banana too...right? Poor kid can't even enjoy a snack in peace.

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Friday, November 26, 2010

henry's first thanksgiving

His new favorite. He crawls to it saying, "Grrrrrrrrr" and then just sits by it and stares at its face.

Toooo much whip cream.

A serious conversation with the sock monkey.

I've only taken like, six photos this entire break which is almost unheard of these days. We've just been super busy enjoying our time off and making Henry's first Thanksgiving awesome. He won't even remember it but hey, Henry? It WAS awesome.

Little Buddy, we watched the Macy's parade and you loved watching the cheerleaders and other women dancing in short skirts. You tried a little bit of everything we ate for dinner but ended up loving pea salad, sweet potatoes, and green bean casserole the best. We took you to Urban Outfitters this morning because they were having a 50% off sale and you were so tired by the time we had found a few outfits that you fell asleep on your daddy's chest. We napped for two hours together in the big bed, my nose in the crook of your neck (I love that you totally still have that baby smell), and we woke up to the first rainstorm in over two months. We took you for a (short) walk in the rain and you fell asleep tonight to your dad playing music in the back bedroom.


Happy Thanksgiving everybody, I hope you're all having a great holiday.

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Sitting Down For SO BIG!

Hen is SO BIG!ing like crazy over here. He's really into this one and sometimes throws his hands up in the air randomly, smiling and looking at everyone like, "Say something!!!!" He probably thinks it's our new trick. I'm asking him to say, "I love you" so much because I swear guys, yesterday we were on a run and he kept looking back at me and saying, "Yi Yi Yuuu" in the say tone we use and then motioning for a kiss.

Ignore my annoying voice but I'm not apologizing for his wind pants.

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So Excited!

Guess who just bought their plane tickets home for Christmas?! Hollllla!

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Monday, November 22, 2010

Grandparent's Day


Today Little F tells me, "Tomorrow is Grandparent's Day in my school. My teacher said that we can't take our toys out because our grandparents might trip on them when they're tryin' to walk!"

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Henry is ten months. Henry is still breastfeeding 5-6 times a day. I told myself we'd go until he was a year and it's really hard for me to believe that time is almost here. I've considered breastfeeding him past a year but honestly I feel like I'm hardly making any milk these days and when Henry does eat it's like the biggest freaking struggle just to get him to pay attention. Also, I'm honestly feeling kind of done with the whole thing too, please no comments about how breast is best because I KNOW.

I'm not sure how the whole "weaning process" works but I think he's starting to slowly wean himself. He really only wants to nurse when he's tired because hello! my boobs are like the ultimate pacifier for him. I told my sister that they should make a silicone paci for babies that's a personal mold of your boob. Then the babies who won't take plastic pacis won't have to be attached to their moms 24/7. My sister said that she wouldn't really want her baby sucking on a big plastic mold of her boob in front of strangers and hmmm. that's a pretty good point, I guess.

Anyway, two months ago I bought a can of formula for the first time. Not to replace breastfeeding altogether but to give me some space and time away from Hen whenever I needed it. He hates the way it tastes and refuses to drink it but it's still awesome knowing that at anytime I could leave him with his dad and run away forever for a few hours. I figure if he's hungry enough, he'll drink it. Recently we gave him some soy formula and for some reason he kind of likes that kind. I'll make him a few ounces if we're running late for work in the morning and he didn't get to breastfeed. I'll make him a bottle to distract him while we're jogging. I'll give him some with a side of YoGabbaGabba and enjoy a few minutes of peace.

I know pumping for his bottles would be best but omg SO MUCH WORK! I can't believe that for the first 5 months I would nurse him and then pump for an additional 15 minutes. Every time. Did I used to have like an abundance of time and patience and if so, where the heck did it all go? I had our freezer stocked full of milk (Garrison = disgusted) but we didn't even go through half of it because when Henry was teeny tiny I couldn't even think about leaving him with someone we didn't know for any amount of time. All that expired milk is still in our freezer too because I worked freaking hard for that supply and I can't bare the thought of just throwing it all in the trash.

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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

New Trick!

How big is Henry??

(haaate that bib)


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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Running (or: more pictures for the grandparents...)

We've been going on the most awesome runs, Henry and I. The weather has been so perfect lately and I'm getting bored of hanging around the house after work, listening to that same VTech "On the Farm" song until my head explodes. It just feels good to get out for a while. He actually fits in his jogging stroller now so running is way easier than I imagined and I'm wondering why it's taken me almost ten months to get off of my butt.

sneak peak (you're welcome)

They are building/filming an Extreme Home Makeover house two streets down from us. I'm not really into that show but it's still pretty cool I guess. I told Garrison that Henry is going to meet Mike Seacrest and he said that Mike Seacrest is probably a dentist somewhere and that the person I'm probably looking for is Ty Peddington. See how big of a fan I am?

I love these trees. Not too many things seem real "Fall" here.

Henry loves stopping to watch the stray cats.

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