Monday, November 29, 2010

Holly Days!

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  1. Oh my! This looks like SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And the snow... LUCKY!

  2. your son is the cutest baby ever !!

  3. Jhen: it was a ton of fun although the snow is FAKE. like wimpy, muddy, made with a machine fake. blaahhhhh, i miss washington and it's real stuff!

    Rach: thanks! and i totally agree, of course ;)

  4. i see so much of both of you guys in little hen hen. so cute.

  5. Allie, Henry is so so cute. And that quilt in the last pic is sweet. Charlie and I watched Henry's "so big" video about six times today, Charlie loved it. Although whenever I tried to get him to do so big he would just pat-a-cake. : )

  6. AWESOME! I totally love Henry's wonky little socks in that very first shot.

  7. I think you're the cutest family EVER!!!!

  8. oh boy am i so happy to see these pictures. your video of hen in the snow totally confused me but i didnt want to say anything because maybe i was the only one on the planet that didnt know that it can go from being really hot there to snowing the next day. i should have known too because there's a kid standing behind you IN SHORTS! but whatever. what a fun little festival and i love love love all these pictures! really gets ya in the holiday spirit! :)

  9. i just got done looking up the weather in georgia- "how did it snow when it's 72 DEGREES!"- luckily, my questions were quickly answered.
    love you all.

  10. insane amounts of CUTE!!! i love that little henry. glad you guys like the bandana bib - he ROCKS those bright colors just like i thought he would! i literally thought of him the minute i saw that fabric! (;

    happy holidays, darlings!


  11. I'm missing Washington and it's real snow, too! My mom just sent me pictures of their front yard, all snowy and wintery and beautiful. I'm jealous of your fake snow!! We don't even have that. And my Henry really liked your Henry's jacket :) He's four and just thinks that your Henry's jacket is the coolest thing ever, so now I must find one. LOVE all the pictures, Allie!

  12. i love the picture of the Christmas tree. and Henry looks cute as always in his little get-ups.

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