Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Banana Baby

So, you guys take insane amounts of pictures of your kids doing something as stupid as eating a banana too...right? Poor kid can't even enjoy a snack in peace.

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  1. I must be a really bad mom because I won't let Charlie feed himself anything but Cheerios. Everything else is WAY too messy. : )

  2. i totally get that. it's pretty gross for me and frustrating for henry when he can't pick up his bottle because he has food slime all over his hand. and then after lunch/dinner you're stepping on chunks of food, yuk. thankfully the family i work for has two dogs and they save me a lot of clean up!!

  3. Yo, it is their duty as offspring to be documented. Period. It is the least they can do. ;)

  4. Kingston always has a camera shoved in his face while he's eating. It's for journal purposes. hahaha.

    Mmmm he is loving that nana!!! He's soo damn cauuuute. I want to snuggle hims

  5. Rachel, I am the same way! It's only cheerios here too! Except when Daddy is around... Then Logan goes to town on anything.

    Cute, cute pictures of Henry!

  6. oh yeah, parker can't do anything w/o a camera in his face. i tell myself that he'll thank me later :)

    (or just really really hate having his picture taken... like his dad. ha.)

  7. yep... we do it too. there was a photos hoot last night involving one baby and spagetti. I don't have as many good ones in the bunch as you though... so cute!

  8. awesome shots. and yes, i take a stupid amount of shots of Lily on a daily basis. Will is always cringing because i have no more room in my laptop. oooooops!

  9. Don't worry, we have the requisite million "baby with a banana" photos too! Only ours are just with a CHUNK of banana - we'll have to do a whole new series when he gets the whole thing, right?!!?

    Dirty Henry = adorable

  10. i LOVE the photo of the nana in his hands, so cute!
