Wednesday, November 24, 2010

So Excited!

Guess who just bought their plane tickets home for Christmas?! Hollllla!

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  1. Allie Allie Allie! So excited for you! We are doing coffee this trip somehow, I mean it!

  2. Jamie: thank you so much!

    heidi: YES please!

  3. i love the nutcrackers and how happy he looks :)

  4. awesome! maybe there will still be some snow for you :) will you have time for a baby party?

  5. melissa: he was totally into that nutcracker photo shoot too. so weird!

    WA girls: maybe we could all meet for coffee somewhere in tacoma? our time home is going to be quite short but i really want to see all of you! save some snow for us, i don't want hen to miss out!

  6. this cracks me up! this picture just makes me smile! have a happy thanksgiving!!!

  7. That's such a great picture and I hope you have fun! :)

    Little Sugar Monster

  8. Ah, the nutcrackers!!! Can't wait until you all come home. zoe

  9. email us what dates your here and we should def set up coffee!

  10. Yay!! Im so excited you get to be with your family again! lets try to get together this time! Liam wants to meet Henry! He LOVES watching videos of him!

  11. what a great picture!! we just got our tickets to go to WV for Christmas as well. can't wait!
