Friday, November 26, 2010

henry's first thanksgiving

His new favorite. He crawls to it saying, "Grrrrrrrrr" and then just sits by it and stares at its face.

Toooo much whip cream.

A serious conversation with the sock monkey.

I've only taken like, six photos this entire break which is almost unheard of these days. We've just been super busy enjoying our time off and making Henry's first Thanksgiving awesome. He won't even remember it but hey, Henry? It WAS awesome.

Little Buddy, we watched the Macy's parade and you loved watching the cheerleaders and other women dancing in short skirts. You tried a little bit of everything we ate for dinner but ended up loving pea salad, sweet potatoes, and green bean casserole the best. We took you to Urban Outfitters this morning because they were having a 50% off sale and you were so tired by the time we had found a few outfits that you fell asleep on your daddy's chest. We napped for two hours together in the big bed, my nose in the crook of your neck (I love that you totally still have that baby smell), and we woke up to the first rainstorm in over two months. We took you for a (short) walk in the rain and you fell asleep tonight to your dad playing music in the back bedroom.


Happy Thanksgiving everybody, I hope you're all having a great holiday.

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  1. that is quite the feast little henry! im so glad you all had a great holiday! all these pictures are really cute!

  2. dang henry, you ate that whole bird by yourself!?

  3. it's nice to be too busy to take pics. glad you all had a great thanksgiving.

  4. We sadly don´t celebrate Thanksgiving! I so´d love to try stuffed turkey once - bet it´s yummy!

    Great to hear you had such a fun time and Henry is just the sweetest! :-)

  5. Happy thanksgiving, you three! Collective family naps are the best. I'm glad you enjoyed your weekend. xxo
