Friday, November 19, 2010

New Trick!

How big is Henry??

(haaate that bib)


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  1. That last picture is hysterical. I laughed and laughed and laughed. His face, his hand...yep, still laughing.

  2. haha, i know! he looks CRAZY! i was going through the pictures last night and it totally surprised me. ooooh my little weirdo.

  3. at first i was all, "aw, look at henry. so cute and smart. that is too sweet." and then i scrolled down and let out a real bwahahahahahahahahah! those two outtake pics are HILARIOUS! silly little guy. he really is getting so big!

  4. bahaha the outtakes. i may have snorted laughing

  5. I know it's been up for a while, but I really like your banner. Henry's little buddies are so cute. And Henry is, too, of course... :)

  6. Love these! Logan started throwing his hands up in the air too lately.

    I totally love those facial expressions Henry is making! hehe.

  7. so cute! i remember when stell started doing that :)

  8. OK, laughed out loud several times. Such a fantastic little weirdo, Allie.

    Oh, and Allie, I think on Sunday we can log back into NASA and get our trip-to-the-moon certificates!

  9. Okay, the outtakes are the best pictures I've seen in a long time. I'm dying over here. My Henry and your Henry make some pretty funny faces, man :)

  10. hahaha!! oh no! that last picture is just TOO good. such a cute little guy!

  11. I'm so glad I ran across your precious blog! I am a happy mama of a sweet boy, too!

    Your little guy is so very adorable!!
