Thursday, November 18, 2010

Running (or: more pictures for the grandparents...)

We've been going on the most awesome runs, Henry and I. The weather has been so perfect lately and I'm getting bored of hanging around the house after work, listening to that same VTech "On the Farm" song until my head explodes. It just feels good to get out for a while. He actually fits in his jogging stroller now so running is way easier than I imagined and I'm wondering why it's taken me almost ten months to get off of my butt.

sneak peak (you're welcome)

They are building/filming an Extreme Home Makeover house two streets down from us. I'm not really into that show but it's still pretty cool I guess. I told Garrison that Henry is going to meet Mike Seacrest and he said that Mike Seacrest is probably a dentist somewhere and that the person I'm probably looking for is Ty Peddington. See how big of a fan I am?

I love these trees. Not too many things seem real "Fall" here.

Henry loves stopping to watch the stray cats.

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  1. Aww I love when the trees change colors! I need a jogging stroller so badly. I'd love to go jogging but its kind of hard to do that with a full size stroller.

    Little Sugar Monster

  2. Fun Photos! What a lucky snapshot you got of Extreme Makeover. My husband got to be one of the volunteers on the show when they were out here, but his face never made it on the air :0( Oh Well!

  3. I always get sucked in to Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, and I looove it. I'm totally jealous you can mosey over and see it in action. Plus, Ty's awesome. haha

  4. too cute!! i love his jacket!!

    that cracks me up! glad youre getting out and running. i bet henry loves being out in the fresh air too!

  6. haha, ty pennington! i looove that show, i always have, it makes me cry every time i watch it. they did a house in raleigh about 4 years ago, that was within walking distance of us, so we watched them work on it all week. it's pretty amazing what they can accomplish in just 5 days. plus we got to watch ty ride past us hanging out of the back of a demolition derby car, which was awesome. haha, i'm a total dork for that show. <3

  7. way to get out & run after work! it's so hard for me to get off my butt & get out, but once i do i am always SO happy i did. keep it up, yo.

  8. Ty Pennington makes me want to jam a screwdriver in my ear, but that damn show always makes me cry. He was cool when he was on Trading Spaces though.

    I LOVE Henry's hoodie! He is so handsome!

  9. i am so jealous! i love extreme makeover :)

    that tree is gorgeous!

    oh, and henry is as cute as ever-we miss him! come back to wa!

  10. could you be any cuter?

    I know that your son certainly couldn't be! He's so darn gorgeous!

  11. Allie, you are awesome. I totally want to hang out with you and the babe and watch the stray cats. :)
