This is the kind of stuff Henry likes to pull when I'm not paying attention to him. Seriously, strapped in super tight for the ride home and ten minutes later he's all like, "Oh haaaay mom! Look at this wacky way of carseat riding!"I pulled over to flip him back around and he was seriously laughing in my face like an evil child until he tried to turn back around and realized that he couldn't because his arm was caught under the buckle.
Today's Fortune: Go ahead, buy that car seat mirror you've been eying at Target!
Stuck hella. Henry thinks, "Hmmm, maybe this isn't so awesome after all?"
hahaha! You should get him a big boy seat. Kingston hated his infant seat and would do that! Once we got the big boy seat we were good to go. What a cute boy he is.
hahaha! You should get him a big boy seat. Kingston hated his infant seat and would do that! Once we got the big boy seat we were good to go. What a cute boy he is.
Hahahaha! That's hilarious. I love Henry.
And you. :)
he is SOOOOOOO adorable even with his cute squishy mad facE!
wow. that's ALL kinds of impressive!! :)
lol, aw, I agree he's still adorable when he cries. You two created a gorgeous little boy.
I'll have to pick up one of those mirrors before my little one shows up.
HAHAHA OMG. how the hell did he do that?! that's quite amazing henry.
thinking about how hard of a time I have getting Eva in the car seat without amputating anything. Henry is gifted and a whole lot of ornery!
Oh man..Austin did that and we didn't realize until we were almost home. I totally won Mother of the Year for that one...
yes, time for the big boy car seat. zoe
Wow, that is an impressive trick! Glad my little one never figured that out.
HAHA! I think Henry Houdini should be his permanent name :) I can't stop laughing, I love the first picture!
Oh my goodness! That is hilarious! <3
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