Some baby math from the past twelve months....

The amount of times I've sung "You are my Sunshine" to Henry as he falls asleep. That's 7 x a night for the past 350 nights. I like this song best because it's easy to sing without having to remember the lyrics. We sing other lullabies too but when he's been nursing for thirty minutes and I'm dinking around on the internet, my brain automatically jumps back to this one.

The amount of money we've spent on formula so far. Breastfeeding saved our butts. For real.

Bottles of diluted Gerber juice (apple, white grape, or pear) Henry has downed in the last three months. That's roughly two bottles a day and three usually on vacations, outing days, and weekends.

The amount we've at least spent on diapers over the last twelve months. I'm sure it even a little higher than that. Honestly we haven't spent as much as I had imagined. Still, I think next time we're going cloth to save some real bucks.

Speaking of going cloth...1,888: The number of disposable diapers Henry has (roughly) filled in a year. How freaking gross is that? Almost two THOUSAND of his diapers are sitting in a landfill somewhere. Uggh.

Ounces of pumped (and expired) breast milk still sitting in our freezer. I worked harrrd for that, what do you think I'm just going to throw it away?! Sometimes I open the freezer and just stare at it. Weird? I don't like that he never used it because I'm with him 24/7 but it does make me feel all proud and stuff.

Roughly the jars of baby food Henry has consumed since he began really eating solids three months ago. I try to make a lot of his food and this number is only referring to the store brand jars.

The amount of minutes I get to myself during a (really good) day. This is only if Henry naps his usual, but we all know that doesn't always happen...
Not much of a math fan, but when you put it like that it seems so adorable! Totally with you on the last stat.
This is so cute!! Really puts things in perspective!!
Oh man... those are crazy numbers!
That was such a cool list!... For the breast milk, I know I've seen a place in Austin that's a breast milk bank. I know nothing about this because I'm not a mother yet but I thought I'd throw it out there in case your city has one you could donate the milk to.
cute cute cute post! when I have kids I want to keep track of these things too! What a fun way to post it! you are seriously the cutest mama. Someday I want to be you. =)
I love math AND babies, so this might be my favorite post ever.
I really really love this :))) Too cute :)
You have definitely saved tons thats for sure!
Amazing list! But the words that really jumped out at me were "next time we might go with cloth diapers" Not because I am a particular fan of cloth diapers it was more the "next time" As a gramma this is exciting to read. love, zoe
this is such a cute idea!! wow really puts things into perspective. I have sang you are my sunshine even more than that its ryans favorite!
awesome post
I loved this post! :)
Love this post! I feel the same way about my expired breast milk that's sitting in the freezer- so much work went into pumping that liquid gold that I can't bear to toss it!
or someone else made ice cream.
then feed it to henry!
or have a wine and cheese party AND DON'T TELL ANYONE the truth.
It really does put things into perspective to see those numbers. I also want to put a dorky plug in for cloth diapers. It's awesome, saves BIG bucks and is super easy! And it's never too late to start. ;)
Oh man, I'd hate to do that math on my two crazy kids over almost 5 years!
P.S. Thanks for checking out my blog Allie! Your's is darn adorable!
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