It's been over five hours since the incident at the park and I'm still upset.
We rode bikes to the park today so that Henry could get some fresh air and eat some dirt. Of course all of the baby swings were taken so we waited our turn on a metal bench nearby. We grabbed the next free swing and we were having an awesome time pushing him back and forth, pretending like we're going to eat his feet every time he'd swing to our face, and eating up his giggles and two toothed baby grins.
The lady next to us was pushing a three year old girl and we were making small talk and laughing at our babies in the swings. After a few minutes, the little girl decided that she was done swinging but when her mom went to lift her out she changed her mind and refused to be picked up. Typical three year old, right? So the mom says, "OK. So you don't want to get out? Then SWING SOME MORE!" and started pushing the little girl with serious force. The girl kept swinging higher and higher, until she was crying and shaking with fear yelling, "Sttttopppp! Stttopppp!".
And the lady kept. pushing.
I was thinking to myself, "Omg, is this really happening right now?" And I kept looking at Garrison like, "Is this really horrible or am I getting worked up over nothing?" And then I'd look at the little girl's face and think, "This isn't right. This isn't fair! She wantttts to stop, doesn't the mom see that?"
I'm not a very outspoken person. There have been many times I've seen something horrible happening and not said anything because, hey. It's their life, right? But when it comes to kids in a bad situation? It's hard for me to bite my tongue. I was almost in tears and super shaky and I looked at the lady and said, "Stop! She's terrified! Look at her! Stop, please!" And she said, "But she didn't want to get out, so now she can swing". Was she really justifying her actions? And I asked her to stop again, this time so close to bawling and I think she got a little embarrassed and yanked the swing to a sudden stop.
Garrison sugar coated the suddenly awkward situation with more small talk and helped her get the toddler out of the swing and I just sat there, mad. I hated her. I hated that a forty year old could bully a baby. I hated the fact that anyone can become a parent. I hated that that girl had to go home with her.