O.M.G. what is that thing?
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Henry Meets Frog.
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1:25 PM
Henry Meets Frog.
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Monday, July 25, 2011
My Child is Perfect.
Henry was so good on our eight hour flight from Georgia to Washington! He sat on my lap the entire time and blew everybody around us baby kisses. He read his books quietly and even kept his feet/hands in one place. He ate all of his snacks, wiped his face and tray when he was finished and then asked the flight attendant if they recycled their bottles and soda cans. I watched a movie and sipped a mini bottle of Sutterhome and watched the clouds outside my reclined seat.
Our flight was was a nightmare. Horrible, horrible, horrible like I'm still recovering from it horrible. Henry napped for two hours and I was like, "Oh this is going to be easy!" Then he woke up and only wanted to throw things, scream, and hit me. He wanted to get down and every time I told him he couldn't he would hit me in the face. You guys? He bit me! What the heck! Even our layover was hard. He wanted to sprint the entire airport hallway which is awesome but really hard to do when you're carrying two bags and a suitcase. Drove me nuts, Houston I'm still sorry.
You know those wall seats in the airport bathrooms? I've never been so happy to see one. I strapped him in and hid in the family bathroom for 15 minutes, just to get a break. I literally sat on the toilet and texted and I liked it. Babies change you, for realz.
As hard as the trip was it was totally worth it because look at the love we are flying towards every time we come home:
I'm glad I don't have to fly with Henry for another week. We're having a ton of fun staring at Henry, laughing at his tricks, eating good food, and catching up on lost time. It is good to be home.
While you're here, check out my friend Melissa's fun blog feature, "Let's Get Real". We're talking about what crazy stuff really goes once you're a parent . Click the box below, you'll love it!
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3:32 PM
My Child is Perfect.
Comments (26)

Saturday, July 23, 2011
We're Coming Home!
Bags packed and we're ready to go. Washington State, your ours by tonight. Henry has taken over our carry on, I swear I tried to pack light but who knew such tiny people could require so much stuff? I'm nervous about flying with a kid who hates sitting on my lap but hopefully I've brought enough tricks up my sleeve to keep his rotten tude in check.
Grandmas and Grandpas, Aunts and Uncles....Ya'll ready for this? (dun dun-dundundun-dun dun....)
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8:00 AM
We're Coming Home!
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Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Big Kid Date
We had such a great time last night. Thanks to everyone for the anniversary wishes! Our friend Caila came over for a couple hours and watched Henry so Garrison and I could go to bike to a place that didn't even have highchairs or kid's menus. We ate a plate of french fries and drank fancy cocktails and talked about adult stuff. It's been SEVEN MONTHS since we've done something like that & that's really sad, because it was a lot of fun.
Henry had no problem staying with Caila, he loves her. It's hard to believe that we can easily leave Henry and he handles our absence like a champ. Total turn around from the first time we left him with a sitter. Apparently he didn't even notice we had left! When we got home I asked him for a big kiss and instead got a big slap in the face with a "Noooooo!" Welcome home, right?
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2:04 PM
Big Kid Date
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Tuesday, July 19, 2011
A Half Birthday and an Anniversary
Little Henry isn't so little anymore! Today he is 18 months old. Right now Henry's favorite things are: Making animal noises, naming Sesame Street characters, being chased, cleaning up (who's child is this?!?), making us sing a fast montage of his favorite songs (Wheels on the Bus/Twinkle Twinkle/Itsy Bitsy Spider/Tick Tock <---NOT the Ke$sha song) as he does the hand motions, and eating cookies. He could listen to "Barbara Ann" by The Beach Boys on repeat for an entire week and enjoys coloring on himself with pens. He's always doing stuff with the sole purpose of making us laugh and surprising us with how much information he retains.
It's kind of weird and maybe it's not like this for everyone but when Henry was a newborn he could have been any baby, I was just happy he was mine. Now that his personality is developing I am realizing that we are incredibly lucky. That there is only one Henry and that this Henry was meant to be ours.
And how special is it that on Henry's half birthday, Garrison and I get to celebrate our four year anniversary?! I love you Garrison and I love our family so much. Now let's get a sitter and GO OUT BABY-FREE!
Chicago, 2008
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1:45 PM
A Half Birthday and an Anniversary
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Monday, July 18, 2011
Beaver Baby
I may have given birth to the first half baby- half beaver. Should I call Ripley's? Henry wakes up before we do and instead of crying or talking...he eats his crib. I don't know how to get him to stop! We've tried slipping rubber bumpers over the wood but they don't fit. Can I paint Tabasco across the rails? (kidding!)
One of these mornings I'm going to find him sitting on a pile of boards, with a huge grin on his face because he finally chewed his way out.
Oh Henry.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Pool Party Baby

This summer has been hotter than the last but a lot more fun. Last year I hardly left the house because Henry was 6 months old and I was a freaked out brand new mom. This summer we're making up for lost time (but not that snuggling a naked newborn in cool sheets isn't ahhhmazing too).
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8:23 PM
Pool Party Baby
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Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Today while I was doing this:
Henry was doing this:
I'm guessing he had put it on his head towards the beginning of lunch when I wasn't paying attention. He's not the biggest fan of lunch meat (can you blame him?) I think he forgot it was there because he wore it until he was ready to get down!
Monday, July 11, 2011
The My-Kid-Is-Still-A-Baby Complex
I have it. Bad. Is this veil of denial just part of being a mom? Because nobody ever warned me that I would be so blind for so long. I've worked with kids for years and their developmental and physical growth has always been so obvious to me. Yet with my own child I don't see it as easily. I'm constantly having to remind myself that he is older than that baby image frozen in my mind.
I'm afraid this could hinder his development in some way so as difficult as it is (I love the teeny guy!) I'm trying to see the older Henry. Teaching myself that he can go without bottles, that he can be taught to string three words together, and that soon (dundundun) he can even start sitting on a potty.
Anybody else?
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3:54 PM
The My-Kid-Is-Still-A-Baby Complex
Comments (10)

Sunday, July 10, 2011
I Love:
My boys in the morning.
Diaper hats.
Following Garrison into town for BBQ chicken pizza with cilantro.
Annoying this cat.
Serious cheesin'.
Henry Hugs for everyone!
Little southern rompers that button in the back like this.
New shoes bought on clearance.
A huge pile of friends.
The natural light in our bedroom.
(Just kidding!! Cute picture though...)
Painting. Big kid style.
Fast babies.
Happy dads.
Baby kisses.
A sleepy, sweaty Henry.
New house plants.
Playdough balls (this entertains him for hours).
Bright red playground shoes.
Happy happy boys with neck rolls.
Straight up 'Tude.
{& votes!}
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