Since Henry's birth, it has become easier for me to be around groups that I once found intimidating. Becoming a mom has given my life a true purpose and that purpose has given me the beautiful confidence I have always envied in others. I don't want to be the mom who hides behind her kid so I am very conscious of that- it is very important to hold onto the things that make you, "you". I just see things a little differently than I used to. My priorities have really shifted.
Becoming a mom changes your perspective on everything. The second you hold your new baby for the first time, you realize what really matters in life. And you know what? It's not the clothes you choose to wear or how awesome you are at entertaining a crowd. All that is nothing compared to the fact that you are in charge of a brand new life. You have created a human being that adores you for you. How can that not boost your`confidence and diminish your insecurities?
Now where da party (and babysitters) at?!
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I totally agree with you Allie! Motherhood has made me feel more confident and beautiful than anything else in my life.
This is such a beautiful post!! I love it. I felt very similar to you before I had my son, too. I worried way too much about where I fit in. But it all doesn't matter. I think we've found our place- right next to our babes. :-)
I am much more confident in who I am since I had Aidyn!
allie this is so honest and amazing. love your words!
I feel THE SAME EXACT way. Now that I am a mom, I feel like I can handle anything. Certain things just aren't important anymore. There's no time to worry about the dumb things I used to worry about. And that baby thinks the world of his mama, so why even bother wondering what others think when the most important person in your life loves you.
I agree with everything you just said!!
Love it :)
I was pretty much the same way...however, everything truly does change once a baby comes into the world. I wouldnt change it for anything! Have a great weekend!
I love this post.
This can be applied to other things in life, too. I often just spend hours thinking about things and I come to the exact same conclusions. It changes everything!
You have such a beautiful heart, Allie. I love your posts like this.
Oh and PS-this picture is AWESOME.
I hope "Auntiehood" will be a wee bit like that?
For the other... I´m too old.
Your words ring so true! Things that used to matter no longer do and other things you didn't used to think about can be obsession-inducing!
we are so alike. I am the same way. still am. I even have a hard time blogging about it.
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