Henry has his four month check up this morning. I can't wait to find out what he weighs now and to see his percentiles. Just two months ago he already weighed 11 pounds and judging by that last "Mr. Boobies Hanging Out Of My Overalls" picture he's been steadily packing on the pounds since.
After his appointment we will be driving two hours south to Jacksonville again, this time to pick up my other younger sister who will be staying with us for ten days. I'm so excited to see her and happy that Henry gets to meet another one of his (many) awesome aunts. As for the two hour drive, I couldn't be more okay with it. I actually look forward to these drives lately. H usually sleeps and I can have two hours all to myself. It's a nice time to clear my head because I can actually complete my thoughts. Last week I found my favorite Iron and Wine album (The Creek Drank the Cradle) at the library so I'll have good driving music as well. Lindsey, here we come!
Please keep voting for us! We are almost on the first page! Thanks to everyone for your votes so far :)
Yeap. The highlight of our lives are Luki's doctor's appointments. Except for the part with the shots :-(
i feel like he's grown so much since i've started to read your blog. so awesome. i love this whole blogging community.
Oh, yay! Iron & Wine, family, baby, alone time! I love it all! Keep us posted!
your number 25!!!! congrats!
Your son is such a hunk-a-roo!
Aidyn went through this weird skinny stage where he looked like an alien/bug.. eventually he packed on the pounds. I love chubby babies.
Above story does not relate to your son.. Your son look far from an alien or a bug. He's just a hunk! :)
p.s. I voted.. and seen you ARE on the first page! Number 25 baby! way to go!
Sounds like you will have fun with his aunty!
Very cute pic (again)! :-)
Oh, but... pounds! Farenheit... inches and feet... a land far away to me!
I just voted and saw that you're on the first page! WOOHOO Allie and Henry!
his eyes... they get me every time! absolutely gorgeous!
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