When Henry was a new baby:
He was always falling asleep. I used to have to wipe his face with a wet cloth to wake him up in between boobs.
One of my favorite things to do was snuggle him skin to skin.
Just getting out of the house to go to Target was a huuuuge deal.
I cried when he got his first taste of sick, a blocked tear duct.
His nickname was "Baby Bear".
I would check his breathing at least six times a night.
I thought it was impossible to love him anymore than I already did.
I was too afraid to let him sleep longer than two hours in a row because I was afraid my milk would dry up.
I loved sleeping with him curled up on my chest and listening to him breathe.
I had a complete melt down when my mother in-law was visiting because I thought I couldn't handle the endless crying and had convinced myself that I was a bad mom because I couldn't make him stop.
I was waking every 1-2 hours to feed him at night and taking pretty epic naps during the day.
I would dream that I had fallen asleep while feeding him and wake up in a panic searching the sheets for my tiny baby.
He had a three inch knot on the top of his head from being pressed too hard against my only semi-dilated birth canal for too long. I would run circles around it with my fingers and it would calm him down when he was upset.
I was worried that he wasn't getting enough milk while feeding or latching correctly and obsessed over making sure he did.
Every time we'd eat out I spent most of the time worrying that he'd start crying.
I slept with five blankets at night because my hormones were going all crazy so I was always either really cold or really hot.
I discovered a whole new kind of love for my husband and it blew me away.
What kinds of crazy things did you worry about/think when your baby was still brand new?