The fabulous Emily from This is the first day of my life was kind enough to think of me and this little blog when passing on her blog awards! If you haven't already heard of Emily and her blog, you should really go and check it out, like now.
Seriously, click the link and then come back and read my boring posts later...I promise you'll spend a ton of time scrolling through her posts and pictures of her beautiful family and that I'll still be here when you get back, typing one handed with my kid hanging off my boob.
Thanks Emily, you made my day :)
Here are a few quick things that make me happy. Quick because I really want the focus of this post to be about Emily and the other awesome momma blogs I'm passing this love onto.
Happy: My little family, watching Henry grow and learn, snuggling my husband under clean sheets, breastfeeding Henry at night, when you're holding a kitten and it stretches out all four limbs because it's afraid it might fall, my first car, and good music.
Now, if you haven't yet please go visit Emily and then be sure to check out these other wonderful mommy bloggers as well!
Ashley at Happy Fun Love
Jamie at Grumbles and Grunts
Desaline at Every Little Wonder
Ailen at Everybody Loves Baby
Andrea at Silence and Noise
Yana at Heart Go Boom-Boom
Brittany at Unexpected Surprises
Mrs. B at Discovering Wildlife
I love all of you ladies and your beautiful babies!
aw, thank you!!!
Thanks so much, Allie! Love you too :)
i am so flattered - thank you! and i love you and your beautiful baby too!
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