By this time, the baby's brain and nerve endings are developed enough for it to be able to feel things and it's arms are already the size they will be at birth! He weighs about one and a half pounds and is thirteen and a half inches long. And this thing gets even bigger? Yikes!
I took my camera into work yesterday and snapped some photos of the ridiculously cute (and wild) children in my class. They really aren't supposed to be climbing in their cubbies like they are but seriously, come on. Would you be able to remove them?
I finally completed the first baby outfit I have officially ever sewed. Unfortunately it wasn't the little green jumper I was hoping to make, I got in waaay over my head with that one. This onezie was pretty easy and a lot of fun to make. One of my new favorite things is Heat N' Bond. I think I'll make a giraffe one next but there are a million possiblities it's so hard to choose.
1. You are adorable.
2. Your kids are an-f-ing-dorable
3. Your onesies are adorable.
Cute!Love the belly, love the kids, love the froggie!!!!
Yeah Awesome Allie!! Nice sewing!
Love ya
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