Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wednesdays Filler

Wednesdays are mama and Henry days. Our one day we don't have to worry about waking up early to rush off to work. Our one day we get to do whatever we want together. Wednesdays are my favorite.


  1. haha nessa, i know your comment was sincere but your wording is cracking me up because it's totally how i've felt about blogging lately (and this post, especially). like, "whoo hoo. blahhhhhhh" :D

  2. I love Wednesdays too!
    They're almost my favourite.

    I don't really have a favourite, though, because I'm either in college or at work on any given day. :(

  3. Is Henry getting ready to kick out the jams? I'm loving his little mic. You do look happy Allie, love that too.

    BTW, back on Facebook, what what! Your friend request has been sent. Fingers crossed you push that accept button. :)

  4. dori: yeah, me too! i guess any day off would = favorite because my life is the same on repeat the other six days of the week!

    heidi: just added you again, yay! also, henry is holding measuring spoons but you're right, they totally look like a baby mic. we were making rosemary beer bread and he grabbed the spoons out of my hand and now they're like his new favorite toy. weird baby!

  5. you weren't confused! i did have a cooking blog that i never updated. i started another blog at the end of my pregnancy so that my MIL who lives in arizona (we live in alabama) could keep up with her grandkids.

    thanks for the tips on top baby blogs! i only joined last week and when i saw the stats of the top blogs i realized i'd never make it that high. :-D

  6. Glad I found your blog on TBB! I'm on there, too

    Lucky for YOU, tomorrow's Wednesday! <3
