Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Oyster Roast Sunday Funday Superbowl Family Target Time!!!

Before the Superbowl game, the three of us went to an Oyster Roast. These roasts are a pretty big thing in the south, but this was our first one. Also: our first time eating oysters* Have you guys ever eaten an oyster? They feel gross in your mouth, super slimy and muddy... but for what they lack in texture, they totally make up for in taste.

These oysters were bought fresh and fairly local and steamed in a large pot of water with Kosher salt. When they were fully cooked, they were dumped onto a large wooden table with a hole cut in the middle and everyone just stood around shucking them with knives and dipping them in butter, vinaigrette, and cocktail sauce.

* I had an oyster once at a Super King! Chinese Buffet and it was covered in melted cheese and butter and oil and had probably been sitting under the broiler for half of a day. So it doesn't count.

We walked home when it started getting dark and cold and then drove to Target where Garrison bought Henry this awesome blue ball that is seriously bigger than he is. We watched the game and ate hellllla Hot Pockets and Lean Cuisine BBQ pizzas (to balance out the fancy oysters).

It was a regular ol' Sunday funday around these parts. Woo-hoo!


  1. Looks like so much fun!
    I also love the tricycle pics! He is SO cute!

  2. Oh, God. You're wearing a dress outside. And the trees are green. I so need to move south NOW.

  3. You know what's so weird? I can't, for the life of me, eat a cooked oyster of any kind... but I LOVE raw oysters. Just lather it up with a little hot sauce and horseradish and shoot it back :)

    But yes, they are very weird and slimy!

  4. can't believe it was your first time eating oysters!! yeah, they are pretty slimy but yummy.

  5. Here they´re eaten raw, too. With lemon. I´ll never give it a go, though...
    Is it spring in your place already?! Awww, lucky you! :-)

  6. looks like a blast. you guys are too freaking cute.

  7. I LOVE Henry's red sweater and little red shoes!!! And I noticed that Elmo was there to enjoy the Target trip! Lucky.

