Friday, February 11, 2011

We Need Your Help!

Hey! This is so lame of me and I know everyyyyone is doing it right now but it's something that's actually really important to me. Could you please take a second to vote for us? They reset the numbers at Top Baby Blogs just when we were doing so well!

The majority of my traffic comes from TBB and I don't know... it's just more fun to write when you know people are actually reading. Agree? Plus, you wouldn't want to make Baby Henry sad now...would you? ;)


Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory

THANKS! (and thanks for all of your votes this last quarter. I'm totally convinced we have the best readers ever!)


  1. i voted!

    and i guess i'm lame too, because i did the same thing.

    i want more readers because i feel like that as well. i love to write for myself, but i like it even better with an audience. :)

  2. i voted!
    why the heck would they reset that huh?
    that's just dumb. =)

  3. VOTED! cute picture, how could I resist LOL very creative. I am a new follower and I already love your blog! Can't wait to read more! feel free to come visit me over at

  4. Yay! I voted for you! I'm so happy to see you in the top 3! That's where you and sweet baby H belong! This is hands down one of my favorite blogs. I carved out time everyday to check it no matter how busy I am with Sylvie.

