Monday, November 1, 2010

Henry's First Halloween

I swear that's supposed to be hair drawn on the top of his head...

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  1. i laughed so hard looking at these pictures! omg, i just love you guys!!! at first i wondered why he had a mustache drawn on his forehead but after looking down at his shirt i TOTALLY got it! i love how you dolled up the wagon. omg, TOO MUCH CUTE! so glad you enjoyed your halloween!!!

  2. i'm glad you saw a mustache! i was thinking more along the lines of "baby fell asleep at a frat party". poor henry ;)

  3. glad to see you posting again. Love his Charlie Brown costume!! Zoe

  4. Cute-Cute-Cute!!
    Here it´s freezing cold already (well, nearly!) - Cold it is!

  5. i knew exactly who he was the second i saw the picture! awesome idea!

  6. That is the cutest costume! You are soo creative!!

  7. he makes an adorable charlie brown!! i love the costume :)

  8. hah! this made me laugh so hard. cutest charlie brown ever! i don't think i'll be able to read tomorrow morning's comics without seeing henry's face. :)

  9. so, so, so cute! we were just in VA at kings dominion, and they have a whole peanuts area and the best gift shop with so much cute peanuts stuff. i am still kicking myself for not getting malcolm a $12 charlie brown tee shirt (dumb!) love his costume! <3

  10. Haha he is soooooo cute! Missing you like something crazy!

    Love ya,

    P.S...I sent you an e-mail about something! When you get a chance you should take a look! :)

  11. i knew who he was right away!
    perfect costume. :)

  12. Definitely put a smile on my face!!

  13. awesome Charlie Brown costume! Might have to steal that idea for next year!

  14. AMAZING costume!!!!! It's really sooo perfect!!! I love it =)

  15. be costume i have seen yet! he is so adorbs!

  16. such a cute costume- and a comfortable one! there are so many parents who buy elaborate costumes that their kids just scream in, he looks happy.

  17. love his red wagon! you guys are such a cute family!! :)

  18. OH! I love his costume! Great idea!

  19. Allie--you are TOO PERFECT! I didn't think it looked like...what YOU thought it looked like until you said that! HA! No, he looked awesome and so cute. I knew he was the second I saw the pic. You're such a great and fun mom. He's a lucky boy.

  20. Okay, that costume is the cutest thing I've seen in a long time. I love that you added the hair wisp, too! My son is Henry as well...just thought I'd share that :) It's a great name! Loved the pictures, and do you not LOVE that wagon? It's saved us on many an occasion, and it's a nice alternative to the stroller in situations where you'll be out for a longer period of time.

  21. Hi there! I am your newest follower! I found you on Top Baby Blogs! I love finding new blogs and your is lovely:) You can find me at

    Oh, if you come by take a peek at my giveaways. Everything is handmade and gorgeous!

    Your little guy is adorable

  22. Rachel - Hopefully Charlie will have too much hair to make this look work next year.

    Allie - You are adorable and so is sweet Henry. As usual, your creativity is inspiring. I just love every post.

  23. GOOD GRIEF! He's the perfect Charlie Brown!

  24. I'm laughing so hard right now. He is such a doll! I love it!

  25. hahahah, oh my goodness! cutest costume idea EVER

  26. he looked GREAT!!!! what a great costume.

  27. Charlie Brown? I mean really...BRILLIANT!! I love it!! So cute.

  28. awesome! happy halloween charlie brown!!!
