Thursday, November 4, 2010

HELLO 2010!

i don't think i could even do "fish lips" until i was eight years old...

Thanks to Lindsay at Linkie Lueville, good old (like, really really old) Dell Inspiron 6000 is working once again. She suggested that I pop the hard drive out and reconnect it and holy crap, it actually worked.

Garrison walked into the living room last night and I had screwdrivers and computer parts all around me, I probably looked so smart/sexy/cool. In all honesty though, I made the whole process like 50 times more stupid than it had to be. After I had taken out 14 screws (the stupid cat ate one) and disconnected the back from the keyboard, I realized that I only needed to remove 2 screws because a hard drive isn't actually in the computer. It's on the side. Like, it has its own compartment for easy removal and everything. No duh, right? Anyway, I popped it out and blew on the end because, hey. That always fixed NES games so what the heck? And now I'm blogging from my own computer again.

Speaking of "No duh" and NES, here are some awesome 1990-like things I did while my computer was down:

Used a phone book!!
Watched Igby Goes Down on VHS!!
Listened to CDs!! (Compact Discs. so cool)
Used a cook book!!
Payed our AT&T bill over the phone!!
Started jogging daily!! (people were doing that in the 90s)

There are still a few glitches left to fix, but for now I have a computer. If anyone cool wants to come over for a LAN party or meet up in World of Warcraft world , email me asap (joking. or am i?) I can totally do these things now.

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  1. YAYYYY! That's SO funny! I'm glad it worked!

  2. Henry and his fish lips look soooooo cute! I don't think I can even do them that well now!
    Welcome back =)

  3. you crack me up! so happy your computer is back up! i could so picture myself making it harder too. and i love your 90's references! too funny.

  4. Hahahahaha!

    That picture is amazing, too! I have the hardest time catching Asia's silly faces on camera.

  5. im so happy you're back!! you were both missed :)

    ps. i LOVE his fish face!


  7. that is so funny because my son has started doing that too! i can barely do who knows how they can do it so well!! so cute..and so glad you're computer is up and running again!

  8. i needed allie today and yay! i read what you said and i feel happy again... i love you so much

  9. uh, phone book? cds? what are these things you speak of??

    glad you're back online. oh, & ps: you said "crazy/sexy/cool". isn't that another 90's reference? TLC baby!!

  10. Allie you never fail to make me laugh! Thank you x

  11. you are one handy mama. anything with the computers, is Will's work. i suck at it!

  12. yea, glad you are back up and running! and henry face? i am dead-cuteness over lode!

  13. Too funny!!! What a great photo...

  14. Thank you so much! Your comment made my day :)
    I hope you get a chance to watch Two for the Road--I promise you won't regret it. Your blog is so lovely and sweet. I just found out that I'm expecting, and whenever I get nervous or overwhelmed I just look at your blog and your beautiful boy and I'm okay again.

  15. Your list of stuff you did in the mean time literally made me laugh out loud. And then I had to read it to the hubby. Tooooo funny! Glad you're back online!!

  16. GREAT post. It made me think of this 90s movie called "The Net." It was a pseudo-thriller-horror that might have starred Sandra Bullock.

    What I mean is, you are basically Sandra Bullock.

    Good work.
