Friday, October 29, 2010

Goodbye Computer :(

Sorry, these pics aren't edited because guess what? My computer is toast. I keep getting this error screen saying, "Internal HDD HARD ERROR" and another saying, "No Bootable Devices". Shoot. I know this is all because I passed on renewing my laptop insurance last year. This really sucks. Blogging is my outlet, something I look forward to every day and often times one of the only things that keeps me somewhat sane.

Anyway, I'm pissed and bummed and extremely tired right now. All this Halloween fun with its sticky fingers, pumpkin! pumpkin! oh a blow up witch! scarecrow! ahhhhh! and its candy candy candy X 300 makes for some pretty whacked out kids. Gahhhhhhh. I'll be back soon enough, until then here are some pictures of a double headed Henry.

(will you please continue to vote for us while we're away? thanks guys!)

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  1. Aw, he such a model.

    My computer often says something about inserting a boot device when I start it up. Not sure if it's the same thing, but for me something wasn't set right in my computer and sometimes it gets messed up when I use memory cards and take them out of the comp while it's turned off..

    I fix it by putting in the memory card type I last used and I restart. Maybe your problem is different.. but either way, I hope you figured it out.

    :) Hope you're doing well.

  2. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! i hope you get it fixed so soon! sometimes i hate technology. ugh! and two henry heads are better than one! haha :)

  3. Major bummer about the computer! Hopefully we will see you up and running soon. We all love reading your blog! Im glad you and Garrison got some 'us' time recently. I cannot wait to get that with my husband!

  4. just too cute! :)

    see you when you get back :)

  5. OMG! suuuuper cute! And FYI, often times when a Lappy has that error, it's because the hard drive has been shooken loose. It's relatively simple to screw the bottom off and make sure it's snuggly plugged in! Hope you have a fabulous weekend!

  6. OH NO, ALLIE! I hope you are back up and running soon! It sucks having computer problems. Love those pics of Henry. Can't wait to see him in his Halloween costume.

  7. poo, that sucks! good luck with the computer mess.
    have a great fun filled halloween with your little man. xo

  8. Allie! You fix that laptop; no matter what occurs, I will find you! (Just gettin' my dramatic Last Of The Mohicans on...) Hurry back dear Allie.

  9. Ah man that suuuucks. I hope it gets fixed soon :)
    I am so happy to hear about your amazing date night & spa day. you needed that & totally deserved it! Now how do I get a boss like that??

  10. Sucky computer! Those photos are so cute. He looks so much older!

  11. Frick!! That sucks!! I'd die without my computer. I hope you get it fixed soon. Love the pics he is soo freaking cute. Happy Halloween you guys!!!

    P.s I voted for youuuu :)

  12. That's awful! Same thing happened with my desktop this past summer... I lost years and years worth of photographs and all my graphics and Photoshop and Illustrator programs (they're only for PC) and the only other computers we have are our MAC's so that's $500+ down the drain on programs. :(

  13. hate computer problems. Henry is too cute!
    love the 4th pic.

  14. sorry about your computer, mama! but henry is incredibly precious in these au natural photos. (;


  15. Man computers can be so frustrating :( Those pictures are great though! too cute :)
