Saturday, October 16, 2010

We Need Your Help!

The votes have just been reset over at Top Baby Blogs! Could you all please take a quick second and send a click our way? We have met so many awesome mamas through this site and I'd love to keep meeting more! Also it's pretty nice knowing that people may actually be finding/reading the things you write, you know? To vote, just click the brown button below and a screen will pop up. Click the text on the Top Baby Blog screen and that's it. You've voted! Thanks guys!

Here's the button to click:

Vote For Us @ TopBaby Blogs! The Best Baby Blog Directory


  1. thanks rachel! and i love YOUR blog! i'm headed over to send some top mommy blog votes your way right now!

  2. I voted! Vote for me? Only if you REALLY want to. :D

  3. i voted! your son has the sweetest face <3

  4. We will be voting for you and baby Henry!! :-)
    Vote for us, too?

  5. Done:) Love the photo. Henry's such a cool dude.

  6. Okay so I finally made my way through all the blogs on the first few pages of Top Baby Blogs and I am loving yours so much! I have a baby boy Henry on the way in about four weeks! He'll actually he Henry IV (since he is a fourth generation Henry, crazy huh?). Your family is so cute and I'm super excited to read more about you guys. Loving the blog- and so nice to meet you!
    I'm Danielle by the way!

  7. I'm voting! Throw one back my way?

    Your family is precious and your son has my birthday!
    We should be friends!
    Look forward to reading more!

  8. i always vote for you! but it's goo to put the banner on the bottom of your posts, so i don't forget. (;


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