Friday, October 15, 2010

85 Degrees Whaaaaaat?

While everyone else is headed to the pumpkin patch and drinking pumpkin spice lattes, we're hanging out at the beach because apparently, fall? Just doesn't happen in the south.

Henry's a total beach monster baby now, eating handfuls of sand and crawling straight for the Atlantic as fast as he can. It's crazy to think that the last time we took him here he was perfectly content just sitting next to us and watching everything happening around him.

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  1. OMG, totally want to munch on those sandy piggies!

  2. I WISH! I would love to take Bennett to the beach to play in the sand! We need to come visit you guys! :-)

  3. LOVE those piggies! and Whhhhaaaaat? is right! It's supposed to be in the 30s here tonight!

  4. I hear ya, girl! We live in the dirty south, too-- and it JUST started feeling like fall today!

  5. Salt in his nose, sand between his toes, what a great way to spend the day. I remember taking baby Gary and baby Lindsay to the beaches in Florida. They loved a beach day too. Z

  6. :))

    too cute!

    I am loving fall and pumpkin patches..


    I miss the beach!

    I miss the sunshine!

    I miss the south!

    I envy you :)

    ENJOY IT FOR ME! (and) I'll enjoy the fall weather, scarves, and cider for you!

  7. Hahah, Allie! It's true, EVERYONE is drinking pumpkin spice latte's. (I definitely didn't just make a blog post about making them homemade.)

    LOVE the picture of the sand on Henry's feet. That boy has the PRETTIEST eyes also, you must know this.


  8. Yup - It's 85 here today too (we're in Florida).
    I actually kind of like it except during the holidays.. there's not something right about all the fake snow and blow-up snowmen in December!

  9. I´m kinda jealously freezing my butt off over here! You lucky guys - enjoyyyyy! :-)

  10. there definitely are some benefits to fall in the south!!! these pictures are so great! can't wait til Amelia's first trip to the beach!

  11. ooooh i would love to be at the beach right now!! your babe is darling!

  12. i would trade my pumpkin picking for a few more days at the shore.


  13. these pictures are so fun! i cant wait to take corbin to lincoln city again this april so he can play in the sand! i love that last shot!
