Thursday, October 14, 2010

Dear Henry (video)

My Dear Henry,

What are you thinking about when you smile in your sleep? It's awesome to think that you could be dreaming about something I do that makes you laugh. That means that I am one of the funniest people you know (forget the fact that you only know like, six people...) In fact, I can only think of seven other things that might make you chuckle in your sleep, so one out of eight isn't too bad!

Other funny things you could be dreaming about: Yo Gabba Gabba, a bunch of little dogs licking your face, finding a teething cookie, crawling away from me with your diaper off, finding your boy parts, your dad, and that annoying cute ABC Elmo we pass at Target.

Pretty tough competition, but hey. I'll take it!

Love the funniest person EVER (until you're 13...),


  1. Sweetest. video. ever.
    Henry is such a doll! Oh and that cute little noise he made! Seriously, I wonder what he was dreaming about?? If only we could get inside their heads. Bennett has that same onsie. Adorable!

  2. I love to watch babies sleep. Most peaceful thing on earth! He is so cute. I totaly thought he had woken up, lol!

  3. I love how he sleeps with his arms behind his head. Is he snoring?

  4. That was just the sweetest video. It almost makes me want to go bug Ruari while she's sleeping... Almost. Ok, not really. :D

  5. Thanks guys! At least someone around here is actually sleeping. Lucky Henry, poor mama! I totally thought he was awake for a bit too. AND Chrissy, I had to replay the video when you asked if he's snoring and I totally hear it too! I think it's a fan in the background, but I'm not too sure....

  6. oh my gosh. i wished we lived together so i could just stare at corbin and henry all day long!!!

  7. Gawshhh! He is so adorable. Sweetest video!

  8. oh my god, that looks so relaxing and peaceful. that made me instantly sleepy. he's soooooooooooo cute.

  9. This is the best thing I've seen/read all day long. Between your suggestions and his adorable dreamy smile, I'm grinning from ear to ear.

  10. he is so cute!! i can't take it!

    maaaybe... one day... it will be me sweet little girl that makes him smile in his sleep. can we start planning an arranged marriage? :)

    but in the mean time, he is SO thinking of you!

  11. awesome.. and incentive to get the flip out...

    he is so cute... can we betroth my daughter to him??

    Just kidding, at least make them hang out????

  12. So adorable! What a pleasant dream! Just passing by and found your blog...I realized your son is a day older than my son :D...He's such a cutie! :-)

  13. Um, this?! I LOVE! He is so damn sweet!

  14. so cute. i love it when they dream. what DO babies dream about though- seriously!?

  15. This was totally the sweetest thing ever!!

  16. omg, what DO babies dream about? i love to imagine what they might be smiling about in their sleep. seriously, the cutest thing ever. sometimes parker wakes up screaming though, & i have to wonder if he had a bad dream? dreams of dry boobies, maybe? sad!
    super cute video & henry & parker can totally be bloggy baby bffs.

    PS: how do you get your video uploaded in such high quality? whenever i upload video, even into youtube, the quality sucks.

  17. You have such a sweet little boy! He melts my heart. I love how he opened his eyes then went back to sleep but kept an eye open! Then smiled soo big! He is sooo cute. Love him.

  18. aw! i love that!!!! Lily smiles in her sleep too. love how he woke up and then just went back to sleep smiling. that would never happen her. ever!
