Sunday, October 17, 2010

Our Weekend in Pictures

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  1. And what cute pictures they are!! Love your new couch!!

  2. Aww lovely weekend! :)
    Looove your new couch!!

  3. he is just too cute!

  4. Beautiful, Love the photo series. I wish I can take photos like that! :)

  5. Beautiful, Love the photo series! I wish I can take photos like that! :)

  6. Allie, I think Henry is flipping the bird at his finger foods.

    Your new couch is AWESOME and I love the pic of the three dudes (Elmo totally counts)having a chat on it.

    You and your little family are the CUTEST. Have a great week!

  7. LOVEEEEE the new couch! So cute!

    You have the greatest pictures! I love the Henry eats veggies from the garden! We have a garden too... and Aidyn lvoes fresh veggies! Too many kids dont!

  8. Oooh I am loving the couch! (and all the photos!)


  9. So fun! I'm going to give you my address and you can ship me your sofa. Ok, thanks!

  10. LOVE the new couch, and what is henry eating? I am so afraid of letting charlie feed himself anything but cheerios, because I like how his high chair is still pretty clean-ish.

  11. love the new couch almost as much as i love henry's pepper eating face :)

  12. Congrats on the beautiful couch! Looks so comfy which is perfect for the rainy season : )

  13. oh im jealous i LOVE that couch. enjoy it!

  14. Lovin' the new couch. Henry is a busy little boy. Super cute.

  15. Nice pictures! I love the bright colors and what a cutie!!

  16. oh my gosh, bike riding henry's smile just melted my heart! and yay for finger foods and a new couch! and i also LOVE henry's little gardening toes. he is too sweet and looks like he is getting to be quite the big boy!
