Thursday, September 9, 2010

We're still in Washington, having fun with lots of family and many old friends! I have about a million pictures to dump and edit so until I can get around to accomplishing both of those things, here's a picture of Henry in a bucket.
I know you've all been waiting for one of these. Um, right?

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Hello to my newest followers! I haven't had the time to visit your blogs yet, but I am really looking forward to it! I also can't wait to catch up on all of my lovely familiar's posts that I have missed while we've been in Washington.
I miss all of you!


  1. even in a bucket Henry is a cutie!
    glad you are having a wonderful time.

  2. Fabulous! :) Love that green bucket, and that little man in it isn't so bad himself! :))

    He makes the best faces!

  3. Dude, who doesn't love a kid in a bucket? Bucket O' Henry; classic!

  4. Cutest pic! Also since I love the colors red and green :-)

  5. Bah! I haven't been able to even really start reading your posts or looking through all your sweet pictures, but I already love. LOVE!

  6. yes. waiting on pins and needles!

    oh, and if you dont post those swing pics of the boys can you email them to me? did you end of getting a good shot of henry and his shadow on the swing. seems like that would have been an adorable picture!

    glad you are getting to catch up with everyone! you sure are making the most out of this trip! :)
