Monday, September 6, 2010

Goodbye Oak Harbor

chelsea's wedding, saturday september 4th

We're headed to Tacoma to visit with Garrison's family. Although I'm excited to see his family, I'm incredibly sad this morning because I don't want to say goodbye to mine once again. This feeling of sadness usually lasts a while too. It's just the worst. I don't feel like blogging for a few days but I'll be back soon.

Oh. my. heart. Blahhhhh.

While I'm away, check out my little sister's blog Pickles and Cheese for more pictures of our wonderful time. She makes beautiful things like this (click image if blurry):

Funny, right? Dang. I'm gonna miss this kid. Waaaahhhh!!!

please vote for us while we're gone!

Click To Vote For Us @ Top Baby Blogs Directory!


  1. :( I know that you are bummed about leaving, but It sounds like you had a wonderful time!

    Hang in there! Enjoy the rest of your time!

    LOVE YOU!!!!

  2. ugh, i always get sad when i have to leave my family too.
    at least you got to see them and you had a great time!

  3. He is the CUTEST little thing. ever!

    I love reading your blog & watching Henry grow.

  4. hey, i'm in the olympia area... sorry we aren't having better weather for your visit :(

    i'm your newest follower! henry is way too freakin cute.

  5. karli is the cutest little sister! how hilarious is that photo collages! i am totally following her blog now too! :)

    and henry in that tux!!!! there are no words...LOVE HIM!

  6. I'm from Oak Harbor! No one ever knows where it is. Just found your blog. Love it!

  7. danielle! i really hope this comment reaches you, i don't know any other way to contact you. SO crazy that you are also from oak harbor and that you stumbled across my blog! did you go to ohhs? when did you graduate? i was class of 2003 and knew a couple danielles...hmmm, maybe our paths have crossed? LET ME KNOW!!
