Sunday, September 5, 2010

Baby Blogger Party!!

On Friday, five of the cutest babies in Washington (and Oregon!) got together to play at the park. We had so much fun meeting Jill, Chelsey, Melissa, and Mandy and watching the babies topple over each other and play with a pile of toys.

I already enjoyed reading about these beautiful ladies and their babies, but after meeting them in person I am seriously like 100000 times more in love with everyone. Plus, you think these girls are cute mamas online? They are even prettier in person! Whoa.

Henry and Corbin try to open the cookies.

I'm already looking forward to the next time we can all get together again!


  1. OH I AM SOOO JEALOUS!!! That looks like so much fun!!

  2. looks like fun! glad you all could get together, and on such a beautiful day, too!

  3. Love love love. This was SO much fun!!! So happy to have met you and Henry. You two are beautiful!

  4. Oh my gosh, sooo jealous over here in Wisconsin!! Looks like a great time!! And nothing can beat some of the internet's cutest babies all together in one picture!!

  5. Isn´t blogging - and it´s outcome - the biggest fun? :-)

  6. Oh my heck!! So much fun. So jealous I keep saying it over at all of your blogs but seriously that is something you guys will cherish forever!! All you cute mommies and babies.

    Come to Utah now.. K thanks

  7. What a great time!! You guys are lucky you could all meet!

  8. Jealous!! I hope you girls had so much fun!

  9. I really had so much fun! I want to do it again.

  10. It looks like you guys had a wonderful time. I am your newest follower.

  11. Aw, I am jealous! I wish I had real life mama friends! You are a lucky duck!

  12. i've been following jill & corbin for a while now... i went to high school with her husband! crazy small world.

    looks like you guys had a blast... hope there's a repeat :)

  13. oh allie. i dont even want to post anything on this because where do i even start? i dont even know what to say really. i had the best time. it was amazing being able to meet you and little henry. i thought you two were even sweeter and more adorable than i could have ever imagined! and REALLY wish you lived closer! thanks for taking the time away from visiting with your family and friends to come meet up with us all! :)
